Ah, the timing

Mar 25, 2015 22:40

My hair is red again! Red, red, red. *^^* Not cut, but maybe I can manage to get that done sometime in the next week or two. The color matters more to me anyway, much as I'm tired of putting my hair up.

As for the actual post topic: it took a day or two for this to sink in, but the X-Files announcement coinciding with my going back to Casual Job (and thus having my free time vanish for the next two or three months) is a little funny, because only a couple of weeks ago
wildpear said something to me about possibly feeling up to trying The X-Files again.

wildpear and I (and two or three guys, depending on the time frame; my brother crashed with us for the last half of the lease) were roommates back when the show was still airing, but in its, uh...horribly bad less-than-stellar final year or so. I was grimly sticking it out as long as Gillian Anderson was still on board, but I was on my own.
scruloose and
wildpear were the two other occupants of the flat who were most amenable to watching things with me, but
scruloose stopped being willing to subject himself to the increasing awfulness of the show at some point, reducing our "pizza and The Simpsons [and whatever aired at 9:30] and The X-Files Sunday nights" to just "let's get pizza and see if we feel like watching anything before The X-Files comes on and
scruloose flees".

wildpear and I, at the time, didn't have much overlap in terms of geeky interests, although she was willing to let me show her things and rec books to her. But her tolerance levels for eerie/creepy/ICKY things was rather a lot lower then, and those were what The X-Files still had in spades, so her experience with the show was, and is still, limited to the handful of episodes she managed to sit through with me...all of which were TERRIBLE, and a couple of which haunt us to this day.

(The one I think she tends to mention is whatever episode had the...legless Indian man dragging himself around on a creaking, squeaking cart by his arms. That is ALL I REMEMBER, other than the sheer awfulness, but I can still hear the rusty, shrieking SKWARK sound of it. *pokes the internet* Okay, disturbingly enough--if unsurprisingly--the search terms "x-files old man drag cart indian" led me straight to ep. 8x10, "Badlaa", summarized as "As Doggett tries to keep an open mind, he and Scully piece together evidence of a murdering Indian mystic who hides in the stomachs of his victims." I may cry. NO, SHOW. THAT WAS A HORRIBLE IDEA ON EVERY POSSIBLE LEVEL.)

ANYWAY. The important thing here is that
wildpear's experience with the show is bad, but she's had previous good experiences with letting me show her things that she'd had a strong negative impression of (for years, the only episode of Buffy she'd ever seen was the one with the swim team from the first or second season), and her tolerance for gross/scary stuff is higher now, and she certainly knows I swear by skipping most of The X-Files season 1 and then watching season 2 through to the first movie and pretending the rest of it never, ever, ever happened. And she's now maybe willing to try it, and the announcement of the new episodes is the obvious time to have a rewatch (I'll quietly pretend her schedule would allow for binge-watching, much as it wouldn't), and the two of us are even between shows (in terms of watching one together when we hang out), but...work.

Maybe in July?

Originally posted at http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/586798.html. Comment here if you like, or comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW:

fussing with my hair, tv with the girl, tv: the x-files, the girl

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