First, I hope those of you in the US who celebrate Thanksgiving had a lovely one today. And for the not-small subset whose family holidays are more fraught than joyful, I hope it was the best it could be, and that you have some downtime/vacation time remaining in the long weekend that you can use for yourself.
As I said recently, the combination of US Thanksgiving and Advent starting in a few days means my mental calendar has now rolled over into the Christmas season, and the BPAL Yule update going live shortly before I went to bed last night was the cherry on top.
I've requested decants of most or all of the non-boozy foodstuff scents, but all in all, I didn't go too horribly overboard. I didn't branch out too far; I really don't feel a need to keep trying the cold/snow/etc. scents, since so far none of the ones I have tried have worked on me.
I did order Rose Red, despite my usual avoidance of florals. I figure, it's one pure flower scent, so whether I like it or not, at least I should know what I'm liking or not liking. And a friend recently got me to sniff some (non-BPAL) rose-scented things and I liked the scent more than I would've expected. I think the only other strongly-rose scent I have is Love in the Asylum, which IIRC was one of the very first batch of imps I ever bought from someone (from
telophase, I think, back around...2006? Wow), and the one time I tried that I think it delivered a headache at great speed, which scents usually don't. (I should probably try it again, though, if I still have it.)
From the sounds of things, the odds of the decants getting here before Christmas are very slim (probably sometime in January), but hey--at least we know that going in, and also, the four Yule decants I ordered last year have, uh, been sitting unsniffed on my desk for that entire time, so it's not as if I don't have anything new to try. (Last year's four Yules--the first time I'd ordered BPAL in about two years--were Skadi, Yule Cookies, Gingerbread Snake, and The Spell of the Eastern Sea, for the record.)
I didn't manage to try all of my Hallowe'en scents (which I note in case anyone might think I did get through and simply didn't make any notes about them here), since I basically stopped wearing any once Casual Job started up, but maybe I can manage to work my way through my Yules collection...? We'll see.
US Thanksgiving isn't one of those occasions where we have a holiday of our own on the same day in Canada, so this was just a day. (We do seem to be adopting Black Friday, albeit to a much lesser extent. :/) So the main things I can note about today are that I got a rewrite turned in, which should finally get me back on a reasonably comfortable freelance schedule for the first time in a couple of months, and that my copy of Symbiont arrived, so I dug into that tonight after
scruloose and I ran a bunch of errands.
I haven't made it very far into the book yet, but I plan to spend a good chunk of time with it tomorrow, because I'm officially taking tomorrow off. No work. None. I probably can't afford more than one day completely off, because I now have a rewrite due on December 8 and one due December 9, but I really, really need at least a small break. So I'll spend it reading and going out for a bit with
wildpear and Pumpkin (
wildpear's daughter) and hopefully tackling some of the open tabs.
Intellectually, I want to spend some time writing, but I'm still burned out at a level that's not leaving me any actual drive to do it. ;_; I think I've written all of 1000 words or so this month. (Ah, for the early days of November, when I thought I'd make some real progress on something.) I hope it starts to come back soon. My last dry spell lasted so long, and I don't want to have that happen again. :/
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