(The "current music" is accidental, I swear. ^^)
The chances of my writing a proper Winter Soldier post are dwindling steadily, although if I do manage to see it again, that could change. We'll see.
Meanwhile, here's another batch of relevant linkspam!
thingswithwings wrote
a long, thoughtful post on SHIELD and HYDRA, as well as
one on Steve's neighborhood in the 1930s/40s.
starlady38 reblogged
a photoset of Steve's "stuff to catch up on in the modern world" lists as they appeared in different countries' showings of the movie.
newredshoes created
mcugen, a community for MCU gen fic, art, and recs.
And a bunch of reviews/reactions/commentary I've enjoyed, which I'm not gonna try to quote from or describe beyond any info in the post titles, because it'll take an hour if I do that. >.>
reaction post.
"A counsellor on Sam Wilson's caseload".
Another reaction post
staranise wrote a few days later.
Two posts from
thoughts after a second viewing, and
thoughts on the first tag (the one with the material for Avengers 2.
Two reaction posts from
after the first viewing, and
a second one.
reaction post.
a post of thoughts and fic recs.
musesfool posted
some meta.
At Magpie & Whale, there's
"Captain America: The Man Who Was More Himself".
sholio has several good posts! Here's
a post about experiencing the fandom, one on
the Winter Soldier comic storyline compared to the MCU version, and
a reaction post from just a couple of days ago.
Originally posted at
http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/518638.html. Comment here if you like, or
comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW: