Mishmash post

Apr 15, 2014 00:06

--This morning my alarm was set for 10, but when I woke up at 9 I got out of bed to get an earlier start on polishing my rewrite. To balance out this display of adulthood at the cost of adequate sleep, I had cake for breakfast.

--It's Warehouse 13 day! (Season 5 premiere, that is.) I haven't seen it yet, but it's aired, and I'm not sure yet whether I can manage to watch it before I head to bed. Maybe? I hope so. Show.

--Work didn't run all that long tonight, so I was able to get home in time to watch last night's The Good Wife with
scruloose before he had to go to bed. And earlier, I managed to get my rewrite turned in with just enough time to spare that I could fit Game of Thrones in before getting ready to head to the office. The Big Thing that happened in GoT is the one specific thing I was spoiled for in terms of major events in the series, although I didn't know how it would happen (and in fact, I'm still not sure of the specifics, but that's okay).

wildpear gave "Where You End, Where I Begin" (which I really am tempted to subtitle "in which Shaun is SUCH A BOY", but that might not amuse anyone but me) a final going-over and go-ahead, so...now it's ready to post and I just need to find the time to a) psych myself up for fic posting (a bit harder when Casual Job is in) and b) actually upload the thing. That said, this is one of those pleasant cases where I became more fond of the fic as we fussed with it, instead of constantly being aware that no matter how much we tighten and strengthen it, it can never be exactly what was in my head. On the stressful side, it's fairly extensive first-time smut from the POV of a sixteen-year-old boy (not exactly my area of expertise, and I not-literally wrote swaths of it with my eyes closed, because he's so...raw and blunt and thrilled and overwhelmed about it all); OTOH, so much of my goal with writing smut is to really dig into a character, and I think--I think--the story pulls that off. (And now I have to tell myself I didn't jinx it by saying so. La!)

--The crocuses are up in our yard. *^^*

--I'm excited to have a four-day weekend coming up, especially since Casual Job pays us for Friday and Monday. That's not really what one expects from work that isn't a full-time, permanent job. The weekend should mean some plausible downtime, a chance to get a fair bit of freelance work done, and a chance to actually have an evening hanging out with
wildpear on Thursday, since I expect (*knocks wood*) a reasonably short workday and neither of us will have to get up early in the morning. It's been a few weeks since we had a chance to hang out and chat and watch Elementary, and we left off at an about-to-be-exciting point in season 1, so I'm keen to get back to it. ^_^

Originally posted at http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/515330.html. Comment here if you like, or comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW:

writing process, tv with the girl, about writing smut, domestic television

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