A bit of linkspam!

Apr 11, 2014 23:21

Happy Friday, everybody! My in-office workday was mercifully short, so I got to come home and adapt a timeline for one series and get a good dent into the due-far-too-soon rewrite for another, so yay!

This won't help my tab backlog as much as I'd like, but I can at least clear out a few, right? Right.

Justin Stroman, who's writing the series of posts on advice for different aspects of the manga industry according to people doing those jobs, has a related post up on Manga Bookshelf today, on a subject obviously near and dear to my heart (and bank account): "Do You Know What a Manga Adapter Is? You Do Now!" I'm one of the people he talked to for it (and I'm currently answering his questions for the upcoming adapters post in his series), and the post basically came about because he only discovered that manga adapters exist while working on the editors post, and then spent a while figuring out what exactly we do.

(I think I linked the letterers post when it came out, but not the others? So here are "Advice on Manga Translation, From Manga Translators" and "Advice on Manga Editing, From Manga Editors".)

And while I'm linking manga industry stuff, Deb Aoki wrote "Good News, Bad News, and the Future: Manga 2014" on the current state of legit digital manga.
For the scents fans among you, bookandbroom linked to Kelly Sue DeConnick's Tumblr post listing the scent descriptions for BPAL's upcoming Pretty Deadly series.

And via a chain of links (
kaberett's post on
smellsgood listing
rydra_wong's perfume intro posts), "A Beginner's Guide To Perfume: How to Train Your Nose, Learn Your Perfume Profile, & More" (which I note I haven't actually read yet, so...this doesn't really count as closing a tab).

telophase, have some goats screaming the Game of Thrones theme song.
scruloose and I nearly fell over laughing.

thefourthvine wrote a post on coming out and how it's an ongoing (read: never-ending) process.

Two links via

1) "The Dalai Lama’s Ski Trip: What I learned in the slush with His Holiness". I will shamelessly use the same pullquote:"He cupped his hands, shouting down to the oblivious skier, “Look out for post!” He waved frantically. “Look out for post!”

The skier, who had no idea that the 14th incarnation of the Bodhisattva of Compassion was crying out to save his life, made a crisp little check as he approached the pylon, altering his line of descent, and continued expertly down the hill."
2) "6 Things about Chronic Pain You Didn’t Know You Knew".

From...Facebook, I think? "The 55 Most Canadian Things That Ever Canada’d" ("real headlines and happenings").

Via a couple of people on Twitter, "How to Convert a YA Doubter into a YA Believer", which basically recs a different batch of YA books in response to each of several different complaints about YA. Frex: "If they say: 'There are no books of literary value in YA!' / You fling at their faces: [DISPLAY OF PRETTY COVERS]" And then there are more recs in comments!

All told, it includes many books already on my to-read list and has many, many more. And I'm glad there are so many good books in the world--thrilled!--but even if I were still reading a couple hundred books a year instead of more like fifty, I'd never even put a dent into them all, which is both tragic and awesome.

Probably also via Twitter: "The Unlikable Female Protagonist: A Field Guide to Identification in the Wild".

Originally posted at http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/514839.html. Comment here if you like, or comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW:

bpal, making manga sound good since 2006, canada

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