Well, would you look at that

Mar 21, 2014 10:45

I made it until today--just under a week before Casual Job resumes--without thinking about being tired and following it up with "Well, I can rest in June." That might be a record.

(In spring, Casual Job usually runs into early May, and is then followed--office budget permitting--by four weeks of work with normal workday hours. And later May involves a trip to Toronto, which is inevitably one of my favorite parts of the year but also the polar opposite of "restful".)

Good things about today so far:

1) My tea was perfect.

2) It may not be (anywhere near) as warm outside as I'd like, but it's sunny.

3) When I woke up a bit at
scruloose's getting-up time this morning, Jinksy seized the opportunity to wash the hell out of a bit of my hair. (Which, okay, may not be ideal for my hair, but it was really cute. Our Jinksy-bear is an industrious groomer.)

Originally posted at http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/509225.html. Comment here if you like, or comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW:

not your typical desk job

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