--If anyone had told me when I first saw Pacific Rim that a few months later I'd be excitedly ordering the DVD the day it came out, I probably would've laughed. But that's exactly what I just did, despite not having heard for sure whether we're actually getting the rumored hour or so of extra footage.
--Still no word on when Casual Job will be starting up. I suspect we won't be getting the usual thirty days' notice of the start date, and AFAIK we have no clue of how long it'll last this time around.
--Thanksgiving weekend threw my mental schedule off, although the weekend itself was good. I got a fair bit of work done, and on Sunday our local friends combined our group Thanksgiving dinner with Pumpkin's birthday party. Kitten snuggles were had. TV was caught up on.
wildpear and I have agreed that if this bout of Casual Job doesn't last long, I should do some Christmas baking with her and Pumpkin. ^_^ It feels a little ridiculous to be thinking about that in mid-October, but these years I kinda have to start thinking about it now. Last year I don't think I got much holiday baking done at all, but the year before I did some of it in October and froze it, knowing I wouldn't have much opportunity during the actual season.
Part of that lack of opportunity is simply that Casual Job usually runs into December, but until a couple of years ago I was in the habit of having a St. Nicholas Day party, since it was far enough away from Christmas itself that most people were in town and not yet swamped with other social commitments. And that party was usually my excuse for doing any kind of substantial baking, so without it, the extensive examination of cookie recipes etc. just doesn't happen. It's only me and
scruloose, after all, and many of our friends do their own baking and don't need more foisted off on them. But Casual Job keeps me so busy and so exhausted that having a party sort of thing in early December just stopped being feasible.
I'm not someone who finds baking and similar things relaxing, so I don't miss it in that sense. It's like that saying about writing--"I don't like writing. I like having written", or however it goes. (Also so very true for me!) But I'm terrible at holiday celebration, despite really liking the idea of many holidays, and that was the Thing I Did, so in that way it feels like a loss.
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