Mishmash, but this turned out to be mostly about tags and "feels"

Aug 05, 2013 23:10

--The long weekend has me convinced it's Sunday. I think I've had to mentally correct myself a dozen times today. No big deal, as long as tomorrow I remember it's Tuesday and make it to my haircut appointment.

--LJ has been intermittently but far-too-frequently borked for me for the last several days. Patience with the site: waning even further. Cross-posting is still effortless enough to keep me from simply wandering off...when LJ accepts the damn cross-post. I think my two most recent posts both required going back and trying again multiple times before it worked, and they were a couple of days apart, not hours.

I still check my LJ flist fairly regularly, because I follow some communities and RSS feeds, but I think there're only four or five people posting there often at all (who aren't also posting on DW, I mean). And it's all people I really don't want to lose touch with, but UGH, LJ. Get it together, site.
For those who haven't seen/heard it already,
thingswithwings recorded a podfic of a list of all the AO3 tags that fall under "feels"*. Oh, fandom, I love you so. *_* (There is a "pack your bags we're going on a feels trip" tag. Of course there is. *^^*)

I love tags. I love using them on Dreamwidth so I can find things; I love using them for specificity on AO3; and I love using them on Tumblr for tag spirals and glee and, yes, feels. Looking at that list, it struck me that I don't think--and this is entirely a personal thing, not a criticism of people who do this--I'd ever use a "feels" tag on my own fanfic. I have intense feelings about what I write about, and what I write about is usually inspired by feelings I'd cheerfully refer to as "feels" on Tumblr, but...I guess I don't want to label something I've written with the way it makes me feel, maybe because I don't assume that's relevant to how people reading it respond...? I'm not sure. But anyway, that list makes me smile a lot.

*I don't remember--have I mentioned here this thing that went around on Tumblr a few months ago now? Someone was ranting about the fannish use of "feels" and said "THERE SHOULD NEVER BE AN 'S' ON THE WORD 'FEEL'", and someone else, without missing a beat, replied with "It feels to me like you haven't thought this through." Nicely done, stranger on Tumblr.

Someday I may try to pick apart what the factors are in whether I'm comfortable with (and sometimes enthusiastic about) a way language changes or whether I want to fight a change to the death. Frex, I loathe "impact" being used as a verb. I don't even know why, exactly, other than my fear that it leads to "impactful", which I hate with an irrational ferocity. (I mean, being as objective as I can about it, I still think "impactful" is a travesty and a pathetic excuse for a word. But I recognize that my feelings on it are blown out of proportion.) OTOH, I really enjoy the "feels" thing. It delights me, and it fills a useful niche. [see also: this meta post over at

(I hit semantic satiation on all forms of "feel" just from writing this post. Hats off to
thingswithwings for reading that whole list aloud and still making it sound like a word all the way through.)

Originally posted at http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/2013/08/05/feelings-about-feels.html. Comment here if you like, or comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW:

ao3, tags, lj, podfic, fannish navel-gazing, fandom, tumblr

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