Mishmash: domestic TV, a meme I haven't done, and technology quirks

Apr 13, 2013 13:19

Rain. So much rain. I don't know if this means we got the storm from Toronto as snow and it's all been washed away, or if this is it. Either way, I'm (totally characteristically) skeptical about the idea of leaving the house today.

I keep seeing people talking about Hannibal, and it sounds like it's probably not my thing? I'm not much into gore, and IIRC I've never even seen The Silence of the Lambs...

...except Gillian Anderson is in/going to be in it. My interest just spiked dramatically. *_* How many of you are actually watching it? Has she made an appearance yet?

Meanwhile, Thursday is now when about half of my current shows air, even if I don't watch any of them then. I'm terrible at keeping track of which shows are on or off in a given week during their seasons (other than paying attention to Elementary, because its broadcast schedule boggles me), but it usually means I wake up on Friday and find a couple of things that I'll be excited to watch.

All of which is a longish way of saying that I'm looking forward to seeing this week's Parks and Recreation, but am also sad that it's the only new Thursday episode. Was there something else going on that kept ALL THREE of Elementary, The Vampire Diaries, and Person of Interest from airing at once? O_o
I'm enjoying the first-lines meme that's going around, but I'm a little scared to try playing along, whether I go the route of "the 21 most recent first lines you've written, including WIP" or "the first lines from the 21 most recent fics you've finished". (I've seen both done.) The former is awkward because I don't necessarily write sequentially, so quite a few of my WsIP don't have their first lines yet (unless it's "first line so far"), and also it'd mostly showcase the alarming number of unfinished Newsflesh fics I have. The "most recent finished fics" option, OTOH, would be vaguely depressing because it might well take me back to 2011 or 2010.

Not that I'm completely overthinking this. I can't imagine what might possibly have given you that idea.
Here's a thing: I don't think of myself as terribly tech savvy. I may be a bit about average for a non-computer geek, due to being around
scruloose and Kas and others so much, but I don't fundamentally work that way. (It actually worries me a little, because in some tech areas I know enough that I suspect I sound like I know what I'm talking about in more than a superficial way, and it's just not true.*) And I'm not good with change. The combination means I don't update my software or apps nearly often enough, because I hate fussing with settings and making sure everything is backed up. Alas, doing it infrequently means it can be much more of a hassle when I do get around to updating.

This sad state of affairs comes up because last night Firefox was being a little flaky about moving tabs around, and I noticed I was three versions behind (although Firefox updates SO OFTEN these days o_o), so I updated in case it'd help.

It did not help. Everything broke spectacularly, to the point where the browser was hardly usable, and I--being NOT particularly intuitive or knowledgeable about computers--kind of panicked, assuming that the new Firefox version was borked.

scruloose was home, and we figured out that the problem was that my version of Tabmix Plus was old enough to be incompatible with the new Firefox (which frankly didn't occur to me because in theory, Firefox CHECKS YOUR ADDONS and tells you if there's a problem when it updates), and getting a newer version made everything magically snap back into working order.

*Kind of like how I periodically get people assuming I know a lot about tea because I drink a lot of it and have a ton of options in my cupboard. But I don't. I just happen to really enjoy flavored black tea, and aim to keep other things on hand for people with other preferences, because making tea for people has become my first instinct when having company or when someone's having a bad day. But having people think that is more amusing than concerning, although I try to correct that impression when I notice it.

Originally posted at https://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/429956.html. Comment here if you like, or comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW:

talking 'bout the weather, overthinking things, meme, tv: hannibal, technology: great when it works, tea, domestic television

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