I guess the most relevant subject line would be "So we joined a CSA".

Mar 21, 2013 20:10

Somehow it's been almost a week since I posted properly, and unsurprisingly, my tabs are a bit out of control. And this may be too discombobulated to count as a "proper" post, but so it goes. Pretend this is in bullet points or something. ^_^

I am so not ready to go back to the office on Tuesday. Among other things, I keep remembering various stuff I've been meaning to post about, getting overwhelmed by the list, and running away to do something else.

scruloose signed us up for a half-sized/"appetizer" veggie share from a local(ish) farm's CSA! (The farm shows the current week's offerings here.) I'm excited about this in principle, because I love the idea of CSAs, and because we know this one is good (for a while there Kas was getting a family-sized/"entree" share on his own[!!!], and
estrellas_errantes gets a half share, and the girl+family get one). If only I ate vegetables! ^^; But I'm entirely happy to try whatever
scruloose comes up with in his efforts to cook through a heap of veggies each week; I just don't expect to like it.

The farm also runs a fruit CSA (and a meat one, which also sounds tempting), and if we lived elsewhere I'd definitely want in on that. However, this is Nova Scotia. We have a decent variety of fruit in summer, but for over half of the year the fruit share is overwhelmingly composed of apples. (And jam, and frozen or dried fruit, but...still. APPLES.) Apples are all well and good, but they're not a favorite, and given that they also sometimes come with the veggie share we always know someone who's looking to hand off a pound or two of them.

(We observe from the link above that this week's fruit share is composed of apples, apple cider, apple butter, and a tomato.)
I just signed up for a Reddit account entirely because seanan_mcguire is doing an Ask Me Anything over there tonight. I feel vaguely dirty (very little of what I hear about Reddit is good), but if she answers even one of my (three) questions, I'll consider it worthwhile. (One involves a Newsflesh theory that I've run by Ginny and Sabs and a few local people. I very much want to know if it's accurate.)

Linky things!

A highlight of my day: Allison Scagliotti mentioned on Twitter that she'll be on Person of Interest on April 25. And I hear Sarah Shahi will be back before then. Yay!

Speaking of Person of Interest (although this post is from March 14 and has been linked everywhere, so interested people may have all seen it),
arduinna wrote about how the show presents women: "Other than Finch and Reese, almost every other powerful person in this universe is a woman. And more than that, they're women with their own agency, their own agendas, their own reasons for being in this universe entirely separate from Finch and Reese." (No significant spoilers, IIRC.)

giandujakiss, as part of a concerted effort to build the PoI fandom, posted a bunch of Reese/Finch fic recs.

selenak, a meta post on Joan Watson.

Someone did a Princess Bride & Game of Thrones mashup video. O_O

This is beyond random, but I was checking Amazon to see if the new Mira Grant book was listed yet (no), and discovered that I really like the German cover for Blackout.

Originally posted at http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/426565.html. Comment here if you like, or comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW:

actor: allison scagliotti, csa, parentheses abuse, life in new scotland, tv: person of interest, om nom nom, tv: elementary

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