This comes up because of Person of Interest, although very indirectly. When I was mainlining it I was being gleeful at Kas about seeing Amy Acker in a good role, and he's never seen her in anything significant (or possibly in anything at all). I don't think he's ever likely to watch Angel, which IMO shows her off better than anything else, so I'm tempted to get him to watch, I don't know, three or so episodes of that just so he can see her work.
But I've only seen most episodes of Angel once, and none of them for several years. Does anyone have suggestions for episodes that particularly show her off, but maybe don't require as much explanation and backstory as others might? (I realize this combination is a tall order. ^^;) Obviously some S5 material is required; maybe cherry-picking entirely from S5 would be the way to go, since it's so different from the earlier seasons...?
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