...but I suck at getting around to posts of any substance about various episodes. So if I manage one for the Fringe series finale, this'll come up again in more detail, but for me this was the most important thing:
We got a last look at the red!verse. *_* I kept hoping against hope that we would, and then they teased us by having the window in the lab, but I couldn't figure out how they could possibly work it in--
(and honestly, it felt a bit like fanservice that they did, but I DON'T CARE)
--and then we got to see Livvy and Lincoln again, and I nearly cried. I'm so glad I noticed Seth Gabel's name going by in the opening credits and then that Olivia crossing over required some setup, because if I hadn't had a chance to prepare myself for seeing them I would have completely lost it.
Livvy. *_* LINCOLN. Oh, my heart. I'm getting teary just thinking about it. And Olivia and Livvy hugged, and Olivia and Lincoln had a second to talk, andandand...!
Originally posted at
http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/417164.html. Comment here if you like, or
comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW: