Three weeks from now I'll look back at today and the Fridays like it and mock myself for being so glad it's the weekend after a freelance-only week. Translation: it's less than three weeks until I'm back to work at Casual Job, and the autumn stint is usually the (more) brutal one. And that means I'm having the usual pre-work conflict of wanting to maximize introvert time--as if that can be banked, which is just funny--and wanting to be sure to socialize, since my social life will be toast until sometime in December. Plus I should get as much freelance work done as possible, and catch up on the shows I'm watching, andandandand...yeah.
(I also have an alarming to-do list, consisting of things like "get new provincial ID" [which I should've done before I buzz cut my hair, but oh well] and similar bureaucratic things. I've had this list since we got back from Japan. In June. Um.)
But I'm still glad it's the weekend. ^^; I'm pretty zonked lately, so at this point I'm just pleased that I remembered in time to do a last quick pass over Tumblr before carefully backing away until I get a chance to see tonight's Fringe. (And next week I have to remember to get back in the habit of doing the same on Thursdays, for Vampire Diaries.)
Today I uploaded a fic to the AO3 for only the second time, so I got to be pleasantly re-surprised (since the first time was over a year ago) by how easy the whole process least technically. So many tagging options! I overthink things like that--especially since, while I'm not deep into any corners of fandom, I have at least a passing awareness of some of the disagreements on how things "should" be marked. All in all, I think I wound up giving more consideration than was really called for to three of the tags/categories I opted for. So it goes. (I had to consult
scruloose on one, which was kind of fun.)
The practical upshot of that is that my AO3 account is now kind of hilarious. I have two [2] fics uploaded. One is brand new. The other is the very first fic I ever put on the internet (a Sailor V fic), which dates back to 1997. Not exactly the most representative account. *g*
Given the current lack of brain power, I've spent most of the evening catching up on shows. Tonight's menu included Parks and Recreation, Elementary, the first episode of Last Resort (like everyone else, I want to give it a shot because Dichen Lachman's in it), and an episode of Castle from last season. All of my "fun" shows fell by the wayside when last year's autumn round of work started, so it's been that long since I checked in with Castle or Leverage or White Collar. (I seem to recall that White Collar was doing something aggravating around then, which didn't help.) Apparently gif sets on Tumblr are a deciding factor in whether I go back to something I've left for so long, which...seems like as good a method as any, really.
I figure I'll give Last Resort at least another episode or two, but I can't say it's grabbing me so far. I knew basically nothing about the premise going in, and it turns out to be the kind of premise that I ordinarily wouldn't go near unless a show had been vetted by a sizable chunk of my flist. But...Dichen Lachman! I need to at least see what they're doing with her, since the first episode didn't exactly focus on whatever her part in the story will be.
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