Recent watchings: the Veronica Mars season 1 rewatch with Kas continues. (So good. *_* So, so good.) We've hit the point where
Logan has gone into full-on Badly Damaged Boy mode, which so many characters on so many shows wear so poorly and he wears so well. Once again, points to Jason Dohring.
(Related link:
sarahtales [Sarah Rees Brennan]
recently posted about Veronica Mars S1 and why it is awesome. Her write-up is fabulous and contains only minimal spoilers, mostly from the first few episodes, and I have literally been wandering around randomly quoting part of her description of Duncan Kane, AKA the one boring character on the series, for a good few days now. In case you don't click through [but if you've never seen the show, I highly recommend that you do click], I must share the money quote: "Sadly, one is the Bland Love Interest who comes with many a shining and fascinating protagonist. Duncan, the square-headed garden where the weed of self-righteousness thrives and the flower of charisma goes to die [...]".)
Tonight we put on the first two episodes of Pushing Daisies (a candidate for
scruloose's favorite show ever) because
ginny_t has never really seen it. We're still totally charmed by it. So quirky! So endearing! So sorely missed.
We also watched the Elementary pilot tonight, which I hadn't really been planning to do yet, but it's been all over Tumblr even with Tumblr Savior, so...watching seemed the thing to do. It was my first-ever Sherlock Holmes experience, weird as that may be--I've never read the books or any of the movies/TV versions, other than the last ten minutes or so of what I think was the season finale of Sherlock back in May, since Toronto!Mom was watching it when
scruloose and I came home from our day of Toronto romping.
The pilot didn't steal my heart or anything, but I think I'll keep going with it for at least a while and see what happens.
Recent non-watchings: the Avengers theatrical re-release, which made it to Canada but--at least locally--only in 3-D. And alas, I have no interest in 3-D, so I'm being not-so-quietly bitter and waiting impatiently for the DVD.
Recent attacks on the wallet: ALL THE DVDs came out yesterday. *_* Season 4 of Parks and Recreation, season 3 of The Good Wife, and season 4 of Fringe. The wallet weeps, even though I always know to brace for September's DVD rush. And season 3 of The Vampire Diaries is out next week. Oof.
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