Deadlines: all met. I have officially been doing nothing (well, kind of) that requires brain function since Thursday evening, and I would like to continue this delightful trend until I get back to the office on Wednesday. I think a translation should be hitting my inbox soon (I hope!), but even if it does, I am Not Working for a few days. Yes.
There are not one but two baskets of local peaches in the kitchen.
scruloose bought some at the market this morning, and the girl picked up an extra basket on her own market trip and sent it over with Kas when he dropped by. (He had to retrieve his camera, which I held hostage until he demonstrated good behavior by helping us eat cake.) This two-baskets-of-peaches state of affairs is entirely acceptable, although I wish they were ready to eat instead of being a bit too firm and taunting me. Peaches! Ripen!
The Not Working plans for the next couple of days include going for dim sum tomorrow (earned by clearing all of my deadlines!) and watching the existing Bourne movies on Monday, since it's a holiday and the new movie is opening next weekend. I've never seen any of them. But it turns out that I'm fond enough of Jeremy Renner's performance in The Avengers that I suddenly want to go see him in this movie, so some background is required.
The "kind of" exception to doing nothing that requires brain function has been writing chunks of fanfic. I still have nothing useful as a standalone story in my Newsflesh file, but said file is now about 35 pages long. O_O And it turns out that having the author make a throwaway comment on Twitter can result in me being up until 2:30 AM and writing something like 4200 words in a sitting, which just DOES NOT HAPPEN in my world.
I just don't know what to make of being fannish about something that's written in English by a single person. Practically speaking, this has never happened before. (I was fannish about ElfQuest back in the early '90s or so, which maybe ought to count, but...not really? I didn't know anything about being fannish back then, and by definition everything about my life when I was around that age was completely different from now.) And now there's an author! And she's awesome and funny and speaks my language and is on LiveJournal and Twitter and I can, like, say stuff to her. It is surreal.
(Also weird for me: the books are [obviously] in English, they're in first-person, and they're written in a fairly distinctive voice. To say writing fic bears basically no resemblance to doing it for anime/manga fandoms is perhaps an understatement. O_O It felt weird enough the time my brain randomly decided to produce two pages of Fringe fic a few months ago, since the distinctiveness of the character voices in a TV show has as much to do with the actors as the stable of writing staff, which IMO makes it a different thing to try to capture.)
And then there's what feels the weirdest. For context: I've done a pretty random variety of research for fanfic over the years, most of it just involving reading a lot. When we were in Japan, going to Koyasan and Ise was out of both general and very geeky interest, but to at least some degree it counts as doing research. None of that seems odd to me.
But now there's the thing where Kas has been talking about taking firearm safety courses at the community college and getting the appropriate licenses and stuff, and
scruloose was thinking of going along, so they were talking about it. And suddenly I'm all fannish about something that involves a lot of weaponry, which is a subject I know nothing about (in no small part because I really don't like guns or the idea of them, except, apparently, when applied to zombies by well-trained bloggers), so it's entirely possible I'll wind up tagging along.
Or I may not. But the fact that I'm even considering it feels bizarre.
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