I always forget this until it happens, but when the mornings first get cold I inevitably think of coming home from Hong Kong, even though what I'm remembering isn't from here or there. We were in Hong Kong in August, and it was brutally hot the entire time, and on our way home we stopped in Vancouver to spend a few days with
scruloose's sister. I don't even know anymore whether Vancouver was actually chilly or if it just felt that way after five weeks in the heat, but I remember getting up and padding into the kitchen each morning, gradually less disoriented from the time change and the reverse culture shock, and how cold the tiles were.
In my memory there was also tea, but I know memory lies, so I don't know if that's true. I wasn't a tea drinker yet, but I was visiting my (newly reacquired) boyfriend's sister, who I barely knew and found intimidating, and if she gave me some I probably took it.
So the mornings and evenings are getting cold. Usually I loathe cold, but right now it's still fairly fresh and the days are still warm, and besides, Nova Scotia is about to be at her best. (Unless she's feeling contrary, but we can hope our erratic summer got that out of her system.) Today I wore tights and my favorite jacket to the market, and didn't need either of them on the way home. And I'm wearing an autumn scent for the first time this season, which I always remember I like, but not how much until it's on (Samhain 2007, to be precise).
I'm not oblivious to the date; I just have nothing concise or depoliticized to say about it. The things I remember are small enough that I don't always think of them, and they're things I don't have the heart to write about. So instead: the sun is out. Autumn's in the air, but there are Ontario peaches and Nova Scotia blueberries in my kitchen. And
bosonator's at the door.
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