organization makes me happy

Apr 02, 2006 01:25

Well, it took quite a bit longer than I expected, but I've finished going through this whole journal and tagging it. ^_^ I don't know if I'll ever bother doing it with hysteriachan, because 'real life' things are harder to categorize, but I like that I can go back and look at theorizing and reviews and whatnot in here. (Those of you who've poked around in my Memories are probably not surprised by this. *laughs*)

I think my favorite things about the process were a) rereading the posts from when chapters 104-106 of Furuba came out (a year later, it still floors me to think about how much heartbreak and trauma and beauty Takaya poured into those chapters), and b) picking names for some of the tags. Most of them are straightforward, but a couple of them took some real work, since you can't use commas *and* there's a length limit. So I had to reject "haru's ok with his sexual identity so will the fanbrats please shut up now" and The Ginny's suggestion of "Haru - gay? Find out on the next Springer!" Alas. And then there're things that are hard to organize, like most of the fun X discussion being in comment threads. >.> But overall I like the result.

(As with the Memories, looking around via the tags is perfectly fine if anyone's so inclined. ^_^)

And now to bed--it's late enough even without taking into account that we're losing an hour to Daylight Savings Nonsense tonight. But there'll be waffles in the morning!

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