[Preview] Till Death

Apr 26, 2011 10:07

Hey! It seems like forever since I've written or even been in the communities. I hope that there are still some people around from before.

I'm working on a new fan-novel entitled Till Death. The first chapter will be posted soon, but here is a short preview!

Title: Till Death
Rating: PG
Pairings: YunJae, YooSu, Strong JaeChun friendship
Summary: Under the Cut!

"As you both know, JYJ has caused much more problems that we had ever thought that they could," Ajusshi leaned forward in his chair, looking from Yunho to Changmin, who averted his eyes, "These two men have no idea to what extent they have harmed this company. It is my desire now, is that these three men should have to pay for the damage that they have caused."

"Another lawsuit?" Yunho sighed, "Ajusshi, I don't wish to sound as though I am questioning what you are doing, but don't you think that will cause more harm than good?"

"A lawsuit, Mr. Jung, is not what I am after," His grin widened, revealing pearly white teeth, "These three men need to pay in a much more permanent way"


As he felt the cold metal of the knife pressed against his throat, his body froze. Inhaling deeply, Junsu let out a whimper, "Dongsaeng, what are you--"
"Shut the f--- up," Changmin growled, pressing the blade closer to the older man's throat, "You worthless piece of s---."
Junsu was unable to move, unable to fully comprehend the current situation clearly. Hot tears stung against his eyes as his body began to quiver, fearing for Changmin's next move.

He had suspected this the day that the two of them came knocking at their door. He knew, he knew, that SME wouldn't just let them leave and come to join them once again. He knew that it was too good to be true.

"Did you really think," Changmin tightened his hold, the blade of the knife beginning to break the surface of Junsu's milky skin, "Did you think that we came back for you? Did you think we loved you?"

Junsu swallowed hard, allowing his tears to flow freely, desperately wanting nothing more than to collapse into fits of tears. He fought against his emotions, trying to remain strong in front of his younger former band-mate, but it was becoming increasingly difficult as the searing pain ripped through his throat.

"Did you think," Changmin slid his weapon up slowly, gliding it along Junsu's tear stained cheek, "Did you think that everything was going to be okay again?"

A sob escaped Junsu's lips, and he mentally cursed himself for it, "Changmin-ah, please, god, please s-stop."

Changmin felt his hand begin to shake as his mind seemingly came to terms with what his body was doing. Could he really do something like this? Could he really kill a man whom he once called brother? He faltered, his hands falling to his sides, eyes traveling to the floor, "I -"

Junsu took this moment to move away from the youngest, facing him, anger evident in his pale face, "What the fuck is the matter with you?"

Junsu lunged forward, his fist raised above his head, adrenaline pumping through his being fiercely. In the brief moment between Junsu moving towards him and his fist making contact, he could have sworn that he saw something in Changmin`s eyes as he looked up at him. Something, something that may have resembled remorse. But whatever that something was, it wasn`t enough to soothe the fury from his mind.

He struck Changmin with an unimaginable force, knocking him backwards, "I hate you, Shim Changmin. I hate you."

There you have it! This fan-novel is set in an AU where the entertainment industry really does hold all of the power. They are the center of politics and the running of society. SME loses the battle with JYJ and as a result, are put under investigation. All artists are either disbanded or ceasing activities as this goes on.

SME believes that JYJ is to pay for what they have caused. With their lives. They threaten HoMin's families and lives and order for them to rejoin JYJ and form a new group under a new label. They are to lull them into a false sense of security and friendship. And then they are to take their lives one by one, in a way to make it seem as an accident.

Yunho becomes very involved with the three and seemingly forgets his purpose. Changmin grows angry, and begins acting alone.

I want to stress that I do not wish for this ever to happen, nor do I think it would. It's an AU for a reason - I do not believe SME to be that evil. I also do hope for the 5 men to rejoin and form real friendships again like before.
This fic came to me after watching "Before U Go" by TVXQ2.

AH! Pairings: YunJae, Very strong ChunJae friendship, and YooSu.

Leave me comments! I will probably post faster ~ XD

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