Massive Chris Pine / Zachary Quinto video post

Jun 26, 2009 15:28

Under the LJ-cut below, you'll find all the interviews I have collected over the last few weeks, divided by date (with a few 'other/unknown dates' at the end). For each day, there's a SendSpace link to download all the interviews in one .zip, as well as a few highlights for each of all the files inside the zip. I also included links to view the videos online if you're not the downloading type (sorry for not embedding, but it would have made the post completely unmanageable).

2009.01.11 - Los Angeles
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Zach and Chris at the Golden Globes
  • gg1_carpet.flv (view online)
    • Interview on the red carpet
  • gg2_show.mp4 (view online)
    • Presenting an award during the show
  • gg3_post1.flv (view online)
    • Zach giving an interview post-show. Not a Pinto interview, but he says some nice things about Chris so I included it. Also, they might not have served food at the Golden Globes, but it certainly appears they served alcohol.
  • gg4_post2_chris.flv (view online)
    • Again, not an interview with both of them, but I thought I might as well include all the Golden Globes stuff. This one is post-show, with Chris. He talks about the Star Trek cast.
  • gg5_post2_zach.flv (view online)
    • Post show, Zach. He says he hopes Chris got some food in his belly because he was about to pass out from hunger.

2009.04.07 - Australia
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  • ok.mp4 (view online)
    • $10 words: sacrosanct, moribund. Zach nearly passes out in delight when Chris says those.
  • sunrise.mp4 (view online)
    • chris has a bit of a lunch coma, so Zach has to complete his sentences
  • clip_1_eyebrows.mp4 (view online) and clip_2_stunts.mp4 (view online)
    • It's actually kind of a bland one. They talk about eyebrows and stunts
  • premiere.mp4 (view online)
    • Not an interview, just something a fan taped at the premiere. Chris teases Zach about a magazine cover.

2009.04.08 - Australia
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Zach is wearing his favorite hat that day. Except for the last interview where it seems a few items of clothing were removed somewhere along the way.
  • ponder_pop.mp4 (view online)
    • Zach is offended when Chris interrupts him by sneezing
    • Chris smells of charisma and power
    • Zach goes on and on about how great Chris' performance was in the movie and Chris gives him a little cuddle
  • daily_telegraph.mp4 (view online)
    • Arguing about the relationships between Romulans, Klingons and Vulcans
    • Chris has an Enterprise tattoo on his ass
  • coolshite.mp4 (view online)
    • How to spice up a bromance, Pinto style: arm wrestling, jogging, wrestling, coin tossing, foot massages, casual walks on the beach, long bike rides, skateboarding, inline skating
    • The entire cast is great- except John Cho
    • Zach and the interviewer are waaay more educated than Chris

2009.04.09 - New Zealand
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  • new_zealand_1.mp4 (view online) and new_zealand_2.mp4 (view online)
    • $10 words: zeitgeist, aplomb
    • Chris has man crushes, let's keep that on the down low
    • About the love triangle in the movie: "there's a flavor of it, but not a full meal"
    • The world's smallest violon is brought out
  • c4tv.mp4 (view online)
    • $10 words: zeitgeist, aplomb (and honorable mention to John Cho for "adroit")
    • Chris and John hold hands, and Zach tries to keep his sex life and career separated
    • Sun! Moon! Interplanetary federal republic!
    • Zach swears on tv, oops

2009.04.14 - France
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All the interviews in this section are from German websites, but their clothes match the ones they wore at the Paris premiere on April 14, so the interviews were probably shot earlier that day.
  • blockbuster_tv.flv (view online)
    • This entire interview is about how they met
    • Chris and Zach not only share a personal trainer, but also tan at the same place and bleach their teeth at the same time - although they have different chakra aligners
  • cinema_de.mp4 (view online)
    • This interview is dubbed. Thankfully, it sounds pretty generic, from what I could hear. Although it ends with a nice spork high-five

2009.04.17 - Spain
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  • labutaca.mp4 (view online)
    • Yay, continuity: "there's a flavor of it, but not a full meal-- I've used this one before"
  • spanish.mp4 (view online)
    • Chris gives the most convoluted answer ever to some question I don't understand because it's in Spanish. Final answer: he says he dyed his hair blond, but he doesn't get there before mentioning shaving his arms and some other parts that are too graphic to mention

2009.04.20 - London
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They were in a good mood that day! Lots of fun stuff.
  • gmtv_today.mp4 (view online)
    • Not a junket interview. It's a morning show
    • $10 word: Lothario
  • un_of_space.avi (view online)
    • They flatter the interviewer by saying it's their very first interview. Pfft, it wasn't even the first *that day* (see above, re: morning show)
    • Zach says Chris is highly sensitive: he cried when he read the script
    • Chris makes fun of Zach's shaved eyebrows and calls him a funny looking dude and a strange guy
  • movies_ie.mp4 (view online)
    • $10 word: aural sensitivity
    • One day, Zach will sing The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins
    • Chris has Star Trek XXX on his netflix
    • The publicity machine is an omniscient being
    • They are intense method actors - who do some kind of five handed "Spork" handshake between takes.
  • london.mp4 (view online)
    • Cute little anedote about Chris' first visit to Scotland
    • Chris and Zach are totally sick of each other by now
    • Dr. Zachary Quinto
  • showbiz.mp4 (view online)
    • Zach speaks in sentences and sub-sentences, and Chris compares him to Dickens
  • press_association.mp4 (view online)
    • This clip freezes at some points. Anyone has a good one?
    • Chris is upset that Kirk didn't get the girl
    • The world's smallest violon makes another appearance
    • Zach sleeps like a vampire- but at least he doesn't require white M&Ms (apparently this joke is about J-Lo who requires everything in her dressing room to be white when she travels)
  • scotty_quiz.mp4 (view online)
    • They try to pronounce and guess what scottish words means
  • bbc.flv (view online)
    • Kind of a boring, generic one.
  • hot5.flv (view online)
    • There's a bunch of random crap at the begining of the clip that I didn't feel like editing out. Chris and Zach come in at the 2 minute mark, approximately.
    • Zach talks about his eyebrows growing back after filming. Chris mentions fertilizer.

2009.04.25 - Los Angeles
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Lots and lots of inteviews on that day. First day of the L.A. press junket weekend.
  • actors_lounge.mp4 (view online)
    • Zach says the blooper reel they showed at the wrap party was phenomenal and he hopes it'll be on the DVD
    • They talk about what movies they've watched recently
  • cinescape.mp4 (view online)
    • The interview is dubbed (grr), so I don't know what it's about. Probably Star Trek.
    • Chris speaks Spanish
  • collider.mp4 (view online)
    • The interviewer has questions from Simon Pegg: Chris, what's the best way to hug a man and why do you hate Simon so much? Zach, why didn't you get that part in Oliver?
  • coming_soon.mp4 (view online)
    • Zach does the Vulcan salute and Chris does a weird "sparkles" (I think?) gesture to highlight it.
    • Chris made out with a reptule reptile and the green paint smeared on his face.
  • direto_de_hollywood.mp4 (view online)
    • Chris rubs Zach's neck twice in the interview (might be the same footage repeated though)
    • The interviewer asks Chris if he got chills when he sat down in the captain's chair and Zach asks him if he got chills when he toppled over in the chair. Chris explains that he only toppled over because it wasn't bolted to the ground (which totally makes sense because people always topple over when chairs aren't bolted to the ground, hence the flourishing bolt industry).
    • "Just to explain Zach's disparaging comment which we'll get to later and fight about and most likely I'll win."
  • g4.flv (view online)
    • Someone broke the captain's chair. John think it's Zach, Zach thinks it's Chris
  • huver.mp4 (view online)
    • They discuss how they met and Chris' audition process
    • They mention that their chemistry is probably even better now that they've done all this traveling together.
    • Chris is jealous that Spock got the girl, and now they're in Spork therapy.
    • Zach is passive-agressive, Chris wants to talk about it.
  • kdka_pittsburgh.mp4 (view online)
    • Zach talks about his hometown and talks in a Pittsburgh accent. Chris is impressed, or amused.
  • hamilton.mp4 (view online)
    • They have a staring contest.
    • They talk about how they weren't expecting fans to wait for them at the airport when they came back from their world tour and the fact that they had to be ushered into vans ruined their goodbyes (aww).
  • moviefone.flv (view online)
    • Spock's full name: Mister Jimbob Spock
    • Chris namedrops Paramount an awful lot and Zach thinks it's because he wants to do a sequel. Chris pouts, and Zach tells him he loves him
    • Chris is going to cry because they have another press junket the next day
    • Zach has never had a pedicure. The interviewer and Chris try to convince him they're fun.
    • There is love between them, except when Zach puts Chris down, which he'd been doing a lot that day.
  • mtv_1_geek.mp4 (view online), mtv_2_trainer.avi (view online, US only, sorry) and mtv_3_fraggle_rock.mp4 (view online)
    • Karl is the biggest Star Trek fan of the cast
    • "Now they all think I'm a big nerd!"
    • Zach has a hoarse voice, and also a horse one.
    • Zach sings the theme to Fraggle Rock and Chris sings the Different Strokes one. There's some arguing over lyrics.
  • nbc_news.flv (can't find it online anymore, sorry!)
    • Very generic interview. The voice-over dude mispronounces Quinto.
  • ngtv_1.mp4 (view online) and ngtv_2.mp4 (view online)
    • The interviewer tries to get the cast to swear on camera. Zach refuses, but eventually swears in character as Spock.
    • Mentions of Star Trek diapers for people who will shit their pants seeing the movie. Chris says defecate twice, because he likes big words, and Zach says he's happy as long as Chris' face is on the diapers. Chris thinks he's mean.
    • Chris practices his "I want to have sex" look often and Zach's entire performance is base on a "go fuck yourself" foundation.
    • They practice their "Go fuck yourself" eyebrow raise on each other. Or it might be the "I want to have sex" one. Who knows at this point?
    • Chris talks about how the green paint came off on his nose, and Zach implies he's actually talking about another body part. He then mentions Vulcan body paint and my mind goes to a happy place where that came off on Chris' nose, and by nose, I mean...
  • talking_pictures.mp4 (view online)
    • Pretty generic interview, stuff we've all heard before.
  • tv_guide_411.mp4 (view online) and tv_guide_premiere.flv (view online)
    • Again, lather rinse repeat. Same old stuff.
  • vip_access.mp4 (view online)
    • Zach talks about who's funny in the cast
    • They talk about paparazzis waiting for them at the airport before they left for their world tour, and Chris says it took him off guard because it had never happened to him before (it's happened a lot since, though, huh?)
  • ign.vmw (view online) - Note: this one is not included in the zip, because it's a huge file, but you if you view it online, there's a "download" button under the video.
    • Each actor talks about what makes their character what they are: for Kirk it's about dealing with his father's death, for Spock it's dealing with his human/vulcan duality.
    • Zach interrupts Chris' serious answer

2009.04.26 - Los Angeles
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Another good, funny day. Their last junket day, I believe (there were premieres after that, but no press junkets, as far as I can tell). The cast had gone to William Shatner's benefit the previous night (view video), so now Chris' whole "I wrote Shatner a letter" story includes a "I finally met him" conclusion.
  • eonline_ben_lyons.avi (view online)
    • Chris steals other people's onion rings
    • There's some bickering about Auckland, New Zealand and Dubai. Chris pouts, and Zach mimicks him. There's some synchronized arm folding in there
  • eonline.flv (view online)
    • Zach makes a joke about shoe sizes, Chris says he was about to make the same joke.
    • They are prepared to be sex symbols
  • michele_merkin.mp4 (view online)
    • "Spork power!" "Spork it out!"
    • The interviewer is a convertible, she promises to take her top off.
    • Chris likes 6 foot tall blonde girls (and Zach likes 6 foot tall blonde guys, right?)
    • They discuss morning voices. The interviewer implies Chris sounds like a chipmunk when he wakes up. Chris is hurt.
    • $10 words: absconded, anomaly
    • Chris is on the cover of Men's Health - with the headline "Lose Your Gut". Somehow, Zach is not jealous.
  • access_hollywood_1.mp4 (view online) and access_hollywood_2_trivia.mp4 (view online)
    • Hopefully you'll be able to overlook the COMPLETELY BATSHIT INSANE interviewer to marvel at Zach's uncanny ability to answer questions before Chris even asks them (not that he answers them correctly, but you know... points for trying)
    • $10 words: triumvirate, lothario
    • There's sexual chemistry between three people, touching, loud noises, hand-holding, sweating and high-fives. Not necessarily in that order.
    • All that Chris needs to do to make Zach laugh is exist, apparently.
  • extra_tv.mp4 (view online) and extra_tv2.flv (view online)
    • Chris may or may not be wearing underwear
    • Zach tries the Vulcan nerve pinch on Chris
    • Chris knows a lot about brazillian waxes
    • Chris asks Zach if he wants to have an unfiltered cigarette and take a moment to himself
    • The world's smallest violon plays yet again
  • insider.mp4 (view online)
    • They are definitely maybe possibly certainly probably surely dating. Or not.
    • Zach performs a mind-meld on Chris and the interviewer
    • 1967 minus one equals six
  • et.flv (view online)
    • When Zach he heard Chris might pass on Star Trek to do a movie with George Clooney, Zach called him to know what he was thinking.
    • When the interviewer asks about bromance, Chris asks what that means and Zach tells him not to pretend he doesn't know.
    • The closest thing Chris got to a romance in the movie is with Zach, and he's contented with it
    • The play with their action figures. Zach breaks his in half, Chris tries to help him fix it but Zach can handle it himself.

2009.05.09 - New York
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Saturday Night Live. There are two different takes below, not sure which one is actually the first.

Other/Unknown Dates
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Misc stuff. If you know when artist_on_artist.mp4 and epilepsy.mp4 were taped, let me know!
  • la_premiere.flv (view online)
    • Filmed at the LA premiere (April 30th)
    • They're not together, but this is a follow up to the Access Hollywood interviews from April 26th, with the insane interviewer. Thought it might be nice to add, for continuity and stuff. Also, bromance is mentioned again.
  • artist_on_artist.mp4 (view online)
    •  Date unknown. If Zach is not mistaken about Anton's age, at the beginning of March 2009.
    • Spork fist-bump
    • Chris thinks he was booed at WonderCon, Zach thinks it's his inner voice
  • epilepsy.mp4 (view online)
    • Date unknown, but before March 2009, if we go by Chris' hair.
    • Double high-five
    • They argue about which line is whose
    • They what us to talk about epilepsy

Well. That took forever and a half (I've had a draft of this in my LJ since June 12, heh). I kept finding new stuff while I was hunting down online copies of other videos.

If there are any interviews I missed, or if any links die, please let me know. :)
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