Prompted by HRSFA, my Sburb profile

Dec 18, 2010 04:33

HRSFA's been doing this thing. If you're a cool person (hint: you are) and you read Homestuck (hint: you should), I encourage you to make your own one of these! Feel free to modify the exact set of stuff you specify; my own is a slight modification of HRSFA's template.

Title: The Page of Math

Land: Land of Rules and Sarongs

A land littered with huge playing cards and buildings filled with classrooms. Most of the cards are slanted against trees and buildings and other objects, but in a few very special places there are large piles of cards. The buildings are decorated with sarong flags. The ground is a giant chalkboard covered with math, interrupted by occasional fields of grass and small wooded areas. Hidden deep in the heart of the largest building is the Inner Office, which hides the denizen and its secrets. The entrance to the Inner Office is guarded by an enormous, shimmering, swirling sarong.

Associated Grist Types: Slate, Cardstock
Denizen: MCSP
Consorts: Campers

Strife Specibus: Pencilkind
Prototyping: Milo and Higher Topos Theory
Combat Theme: Stella Nova
Land Theme: Mathcamp Days

Fetch Modus: Formal System. Captchalogued items are transformed into axioms; to retrieve them theorems must be proven from the axioms.


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