So, one day, my computer just died without warning.
I dreaded the worst, and it was so. My hard drive wasn't recoverable.
MY STUFF! Argh! BACK UP!! I hadn't done one for a while.... Oh..crap...
For a few days, I couldn't bear going to look in my external hard drive. To see what I did not back up. I had thought I did a major back up in Feb or March. But it seemed only some things were backed up and weirdly some were not. And of course, all my recent recent things.... All gone.
A consolation is that my fandom stuff like pictures and clips could be found on the Net again. But the worst thing to lose were some of my Photoshop layered files, and some Word documents. They would have been all work in progress, and I don't know if I could re-create as it were before. A lot of playing PS or writing are just in that creative moment. I feel bummed about that. But can't be helped. Luckily at least my personal photos have been backed up.
Well, a new hard drive (with added memory and stuff) is weirdly empty. So have begin the rebuild of my digital world. It would probably be a good declutter time as I don't exactly remember everything I saved (that were gone). And what a work is putting all the Bookmarks back. Beside 2 or 3 website URLs, I don't think I ever remember the exact addresses for my favourite haunts without Google search.
Some quiet fandom time gives me chance to do a big re-catch up, before catching up in real time.