September stuff (trying not to flock this time)

Sep 01, 2008 23:11

Happy new month and all that.

I come bearing gifts. Sort of. Try this out. I have. It's... OMFG. OMFG. Who'd have thought two ingredients could do the palete explosion thing, really?

And try this too. Who'd have thought that some chaos of syntax can evoke so much, huh? You got to love poetry. I know I do. *sigh* When I was doing my pre-grad stuff, I did a paper on poetry. And my tutor called me in her office and told me I should pursue it, i had talent for it. I mean, i've been writing it for years, and i've been reading poetry for years, but I never followed the heart. I didn't. I chose an MA in translation because it might have come in handy later work-wise. I don't know if i regret it or not, because i love the practice of translation per se, it's just that.... I guess Autumn is the time of regrets, isn't it? Can be. Whatever.

The September fair started yesterday. I went today, walked around it, but there was nothing i wanted to buy. Odd, that. Still, walking around was fun.

I was supposed to catch up on season 3 Bones today, but the opening scene included cadavers and insects so I dropped it. I had just eaten the best gyro pita ever and I wanted it to stay in my stomach, thankyouverymuch. So i ended up watching Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day. I totally recommend it. I loved the performances and the era reconstruction, and the cast, and though one might argue that the plot wasn't profound or complicated or whatever, if you paid attention there were truths to be harvested. Truths that would make life so much easier if we could wrap our heads around them, you know? And some awesome turns of phrases.

I went back to work today. It's not very taxing so far, cuz officially we start on the 11th and i may not have to attend everyday till then. (I know i don't have to go tomorrow \o/ )

I should also have a haircut, because i feel... pms-y. Hm. I don't like pms-y. Not a single bit. Nope.

Lovely Bones continues to be thrilling.

I should get some sleep.

See? Not f-locked this time. Go me.

rec, me, recipe, work, writing, epiphany, rl

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