So memes are floating about (and I'm holding a net)

Aug 03, 2007 16:05

So there's this awesome Pay It Forward Meme that has been floating around. The idea of which is that the number of x people that comment first will be getting something handmade within 365 days. And my shiny meme enabler
smilla02 and
girlfan1979 , (her gift is here!!!)oh they're bad influences. So. Uhm.

Let's modify it a bit, shall we?

I will offer a gift to the first three people who leave a comment requesting to join this PIF exchange. I don't know what that gift will be yet, but you will receive it within 365 days. The only thing you have to do in return is "pay it forward" by making a similar agreement on your journal (feel free to change the number of recipients like I did).

As far as the gift is concerned in my case I'm bending the rules just a little and tell you that it can be fic, icons, a powerpoint presentation (trust me, you'll want to see my powerpoint presentations. Go ahead. Ask
buffyaddict13. *sends kisses her way*) or, you know. Something along those lines. I have no idea which. And it should be fandom related. Not just SPN. Any fandom you like (and I'm familiar with, please. Go ahead, request, and I'll let you know if I know it.) even xover in nature. If you want, you can provide a theme. It has to be short, like a line from a song or a small telegraphic phrase (Dean. Silk. Stripping.  For example). Something that is an inspirational spark but not enough to spoil your surprise.

(Also, esp if it's fic, it will be written for you and dedicated to you, but it will be submitted to archives or communities. I hope you don't mind that, and my dear meme enablers, feel free to do the same thing. *nods*)

I would have liked to add more people, but I'm two birthday fics behind as it is. *facepalm* I make it sound complicated, don't I? Hmm.

Anyway. More memes. I've done it before but shiny 
brin_bailey tagged me and nudged me so I couldn't say no. (My, I do have MANY meme enablers after all *looks around suspiciously for conspiracies*)

The Rules:

* Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
* People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
* At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. Tag yourself only if you want to, shinies.

1. I'm leaving for Italy on Monday. Should be back in a week or so. I'm kind of nervous but happy at the same time. Yes. So. I love travelling.

2. I prefer to use British spelling in my fic. First English I learnt as second lg is Br. Eng. so I'm more comfortable this way. I don't agree with the logic that since SPN is set in the US it has to be done in Am. Eng. Sure, you'll follow the pattern of the language for a character ("It ain't so," Bobby said), but not for the rest. It's like saying that if you want to write a fic that occurs in Paris it has to be in French, you know what I mean? And... guys. No. (My opinion anyway).

3. I used to wear an ankle chain when I was a student, esp if I wore short dresses for summer.

4. Two things I picked up from my days in the UK: a. a twisted love for Marmite. I can't explain it. I love it. I'm lucky I can find it here. b. a love-of-my-life relationship with stroopwafels (my flatmate was Dutch so she'd always stock me up with those). You guys, if you haven't tasted stroopwafels you have missed slices of heaven. It's just...OMG. Orgasmic. Only way I can describe them. Unfortunately I can't get them here, but heh. I found a recipe. Heh heh. Speaking of which...

5. I'm an excellent cook. My strenght lies in never sticking to actually what the recipe says after the second time I try it out, but work out different versions. Improvisation depending on what I got in my fridge. :)

6. I am punctual to the point of pain.

7. Give me fucked up antiheroic dark potential but good deep down characters, and you own me. Roland? Sam Vimes? John Winchester? Mal? Spike? Etc? The only totally boyscout characters I can remember crushing on is Duncan McLeod and Carrot Ironfoundersson, but they still don't rank as high as, say, Sam Vimes. Also? If they're silent and unreadable? (oh Tom from Spooks!!!) that's even better.

8. One of my most long lasting fictional crushes ever. Oh yes, Michael, you've scarred me for life. I still adore you. 

That's all, for now. :)

pay it forward, meme

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