Hi shiny flisties!

Jul 04, 2007 23:56

I know some of you are americans, so I hope you have a gorgeous fourth of july!

MY BROTHER IS HERE HE'S HERE HE'S HERE! *snuggles brother*

Also? I finished the damn fucked up Egypt plot donkey.

And I made pizza from scratch which was awesome. Who knew dough kneading could be so therapeutic?

I'm trying to catch up with my flist/fandom but I'm damned sure I've skipped parts unintenionally(mainly cuz I had a headache that bit me in the eyeballs, so why am I still in front of a screen, huh? Huh? Don't shoot. I slept all afternoon and had a painkiller and now the only thing I can't stand is loud noise. All else is fine, m'kay?)

If you'd like me to read something that you wrote or something that you read and you liked and thought I should read, feel free to link me and I'll feed you cheesecake! No, really. Cheesake good. Catching up good.

PIE BAD. PUT IT DOWN. (You know I'm talking to you, don't you?)

flist, rl, fandom

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