15 Multifandom icons from challenges and stuff. Well, I've been almost gone for three months and I'm making the hiatus official now. I'm currently working at a bookstore and I love it so much but it's consuming ALL MY TIME and althought I like it, it's really frustrating sometimes. Well, it was inevitable, I'm officially on hiatus :( I'll try to make some icon from time to time so I don't feel so rusty (I already feel that way lol). I'll still post caps on my days on capspiration since I always schedule them. Hope you guys have fun this summer. I'll come back. Some day. PS. Also, only me would start watching an INCREDIBLE tv show and they cancel it one week after. I'm not crying, you are crying.
[Fandoms]Thrirteen Reasons Why x2, Buffy, The OA x2, Sense8 x9, The Vampire Diaries.