Thats What She Said

Feb 01, 2011 02:21

For everyone.

Title: Plans
Rating: PG

"What are you doing for Spring Break, Sakura?" Kakashi instantly lost interest in his book as he zoned in on the one name that could make his heart thud in his chest with the uncomfortable pang of want. Granted, the voice uttering her moniker was partially comprised of the natural whine that accompanied a life of priviledge, but Kakashi could ignore the small annoyance of his ears bleeding if it meant he had another reason to learn about her.
Ever since that day in his office, when the soft blossoms of her lips touched his own fabric'd mouth, he had become intent on learning as much about what compelled and controlled her. How could an eighteen year old girl find the space in her heart for him when she cared about everyone just as much? He had watched her with her classmates, and, while she was often blunt with them, she was not malicious in her intent. She played the doting mother, and the disciplinarian. Sakura Haruno wanted the people around her to feel success, and if she occasionally had to back up the normally sugar-sweet praise of a job well done with the bitter whiplash of brutal honesty, so be it.
Kakashi found he could understand her reason for choosing to attend Konoha Community College quite well. He only had to picture himself at her age. He had taken much the same path, choosing to enter the military for his specialized degree in engineering. When his eyesight began to weaken in his left eye, he then pursued a second degree in English after his second tour of duty.
Six years later, he was being kissed gently on the mouth by a womanchilde in his office after a screaming match caused by hypocricy.

"I'm going camping with Naruto," she began, her hair caressing her jawline. Kakashi's hands twitched involuntarily, wishing to stroke through the strands of pink silk. She turned to regard the blond boy with his girlfriend. "Hinata's coming, as well."
Inwardly, he sighed with relief. While he knew Naruto had a girlfriend he was completely devoted to, Kakashi was unable to relenquish his jealousy's hold on his brain. Rationale re-established, he focused on Sakura again.
"So it's just gonna be you three?" How did Ino get into college with such poor language skills? He was loathe to meet her poor parents. They must have three teeth between them and had come upon their fortune drilling for oil. An arrogant smile fought its way across his lips when Sakura cringed as well.
"Well, no. I-uh... I just didn't know who to ask to go with me?" Her eyes flashed to his briefly, and his breath caught in his throat.
Images of Sakura invaded his consciousness. He could smell the campfire as he and Sakura flirted while roasting marshmallows. Naruto and Hinata were nowhere to be found. Just he and Sakura under the stars. She would shyly tuck her hair behind her ear, and her hand would caress his arm as it fell back to her lap. He would put his arm around her.
"To keep you warm," he would say.
"We could always go back to the tent," She'd reply, her eyes already hooded with desire.
"We haven't put it up yet."

"Who's gonna pitch a tent for me?" Sakura's perplexed question removed him from his fantasies. Surely she had to know how that sounded. Every single boy in the classroom had turned to look at her, reactions ranging from the shocked to the predatorial. He had to step in, and quickly...


AHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Sorry. I'm gonna get hate-comments, aren't I?

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