
Nov 28, 2010 18:21

Dear selfish, childish former employee -
you fail at life.

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Today has been... interesting? I had another employee walk out on me, and I didn't even have to write them up this time! Woo! Yeah, no. It sucked. I figured she did, too, but we were so busy, I couldn't check.

nanowrimo  is a bust this year. No, really. My computer had an issue with its keyboard (as in every letter stopped working, bah!), and I have just now gotten a replacement keyboard. Fuck.

Wrote a little sumtin for the chicks at the kakasaku  LJ COMM, and now I am participating in eldrfire's tarot contest...

other than that, I'm about to go outside for a fag, make dinner, squirm through my store's inspection on Tuesday, and skate through until Friday when I can go to my mum's in order to take a much-needed FUCKING vaykay,

So beyond having the ability to verbalize what I'm feeling right now. Argh.

Note the icon and ponder... bishes...
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