(no subject)

Mar 25, 2012 14:51

So I haven't really mentioned it yet to many. So figured I would here in a friends only post. Recently (About two weeks ago) my mom decided to let her friends move into our house until they find jobs here. There was absolutely no discussion of this with me or my dad before the decision was made.

Originally her friends were moving down here to someone else's house and I was going to help them move. That Saturday while I was asleep (My sleep schedule was backwards as it often gets) I get a call from my mom to tell me I was going to help them move the next day. Okay fine. I mean it sucks I am only being told now since by the time we would be leaving i'd only be going to sleep normally a few hours later (Ended up awake for 26 hours that day). About 4 hours before though my dad tells me that there moving in here and taking the room next to mine (The one I have wanted since we moved here). Obviously this blows my mind. It's completely unexpected. Not to mention anyone who's been in my house would wonder the same things I do. Namely where the hell is all that shit going to go to allow anyone to move in!

Anyways fast forward to Saturday (St. Pattys Day). I'd been pretty stressed out over this. There was going to be people moving in that I barely know, taking the room next to mine and bringing two dogs and a cat with them (As is we were going to take in the cat for a bit till they found jobs and there own place even when they were going to live with the other person). So they get here and realize the one cant get up the stairs. So instead they will take my Grandmoms old room. So at least they didn't take the room next to mine so if I can get that room cleared out at some point the room IS mine sooner or later. Just need to get all the crap out and move my stuff into it at some point somehow.

Anyways they get here that Saturday. I went down to see what they needed help with but at this point I wasn't needed yet. They just had a bunch of small stuff that had to be done first. So I sat in my room essentially laying in bed waiting or checking a few sites as I didn't want to start watching any shows or movies or playing any games since I was waiting to be called down any moment. So I waited and waited and waited and waited. Eventually I discovered they had left and my mom had went to go babysit my sisters baby. By this point I was quite annoyed and still pretty stressed out. I spent all day waiting to work and doing nothing only to have them leave. So I called my mom to see if I would be needed later that night and she said no. So figured I could go out to my friends for St. Pattys day but that didn't work out in the end either. My one friend was already drunk at his own place and couldn't drive. My other friend who had called and asked if I needed a drive was apparently in D.C. with his brother and cousin still which I didn't learn till after waiting for a while. They didn't get back till 1 a.m. ish and by then I just wanted to goto sleep.

So come Monday there back and finally need my help so spent Monday helping move shit around. But there still not moved in. Then this past Friday they finally move in and stay. So now we got two girls here (There a couple) with two dogs and a cat.

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