The Taylor Survey 2

Aug 30, 2004 16:33

If you didn't see the first one, don't worry about it.
It was about 2 or 3 years ago. And through email. This one's on LJ. Feel free to do it, just keep it called "The Taylor Survey 2" I'M LOOKING IN YOUR DIRECTION, CAROLINE.

The Taylor Survey 2

-First off, what's your name? Taylor
-What a shitty name. What do you wish what your name would be? Possibly Skylar. I don't know.
-That's a bit better. This survey is more about making fun of other survey's, sooooooooo... what's the worst survey question you get asked? "Who do you have a crush on?"
-What's your answer to that, if you haven't answered it already? I normally say "No one" or "I'm not going to fucking tell you"
-What are you listening to right now? Forces of evil - Angry Anthem
-Who's your favorite e-friend? I like all of my e-friends equally.
-That "loving equally" crap is bullshit. Choose one now. Er... Caroline because I know her the longest?
-Best book you've ever read? Choke by Chuck Palahniuk or Dracula by Bram Stoker
-Worst Book? Armageddon Summer. So terrible, don't even bother.
-Have you ever encountered haxxors on the www? Not that I'm aware of.
-What do you think www stands for? World Wide Web
-Have you ever encountered pirates on the high seas? Never been on the high seas.
-Have you ever been defended by ninjas on the high seas when that pirate attacked you? No pirate attacked me.
-Ninja's rule, don't they? I won't disagree with that one.
-Yeah. Pirates are evil. How evil on a scale of one to ten? 6
-Take that number and multiply it by 20. 120
-Don't you like follow up questions? Not really.
-What do you like most about them? I don't like them.
-Back to the pirates, did they have a skull and crossbones flag? That never happened.
-Were they butt-pirates? There's a lot of them going around. There were no pirates.
-Favorite animal? errrr a playpus.
-What would you do if I shot it? Laugh then kick you in the nuts.
-Are you always this violent? Sometimes.
-What about in the sack? Not really.
-Why yes, it is any of my business. ...What the hell are you talking about? I never said that it wasn't.
-On a serious note, do you think that too many people are depressed? Yup
-Any theories on it? Because parents don't or can't talk to their kids and they just take them to a therapist, and I'm sure that they wouldn't turn away business.
-Favorite childhood toy? Probably Z-bots.
-What if I shoved some of those up my ass? ...What the fuck is your problem?
-I'm evil, I know. How evil am I on a scale of one to ten? 8
-Is that more or less than the pirates? More.
-Is that less than three? No, it's much more.
-Speaking of <3, do you hate the internet heart? I certainly do.
-Should it be banned? Yup.
-Give reasons. No, i'm just kidding, I know it's dumb. No reasons.
-Which one of your friends uses it the most? Beth. But I'm wittling her down.
-Ever meet an e-friend? Nope.
-How was that for an ass-rape? Err... I've never been ass-raped.
-Meeting any soon? Hopefully Beth in november.
-Favorite album? Uhhhh {good luck} by Big D and the kids table or Streetlight manifesto's s/t.
-What's your sign? Leo.
-Well personally, I'm a Leo. Maybe we should hook up sometime? Um, I hate to break this to you, but I am you.
-I like long moonlit beach walks and candlelit dinners that I make. And maybe you could buff my lobby later... if you know what I mean. ...I don't.
-Have you ever seen Baseketball? Yes, amazing movie.
-Did you know that Reel Big Fish was in it? Yup.
-Have you seen the preview for Team America yet? Yeah, amazing stuff.
-If not, go do that asap. Mkay? mkay.
-Hopes? To make a good ska cd for all the little kiddies on the scene.
-Dreams? Not many. Most of them are games.
-Wet Dreams? I mast0rbate too much for that.
-Doesn't Live Journal suck? Yeah, yeah it does.
-OMG WHO'S YOUR CRUSH? Goooo to hell!
-What do you think about friends stealing gfs/bfs? Not cool, never happened to me though.
-What about ex-gf/bf? Less not cool.
-Aquabats. Yay or nay? yay.
-Thursday. Yay or nay? nay.
-The postal service. (You get the idea.) yay.
-The casualties. nay.
-Bright eyes. nay.
-Classical music. yay.
-Are you in any communities that you'd like to promote? Yup, J'aime la musique. Click on my info and then click on the Asian Angry Man.
-Last 3 movies that you saw? Breakfast club, garden state, annnnnnd probably dodgeball.
-Were the any good? Classic, very good, and hilarious.
-Shiznit, I need to wrap this up. Speaking of wrap, ever had a hot dog wrapped up in bacon? Hell yes, it's amazing.
-Are you a big v? YES AND PROUD OF IT :-P
-What would you like to see the Angry Asian Man say one day? I'm not going to answer this, I'll ruin things.
-The classic Taylor survey ender, make up your own question and answer it:
-How many legs does a frityarbian have? 60 when born, 12 when it dies of natural causes.

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