Feb 19, 2009 18:38
I regret to inform you that you are hereby banned from including any images of monkeys in your political cartoons for the next 4 or hopefully 8 years. True you had a great run comparing the last President to a monkey but trust me that it will not be taken well with relation to the current administration. Now you New York Post cartoonists, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and believe that you are innocent and were shocked absolutely shocked that anyone could take offense at a cartoon that showed a chimpanzee with three bullet holes in his chest and linked it to the first major legislation passed by new African American president. You have obviously missed this country's entire racial history so let me fill you in on a few things. The Mammy character in old Tom and Jerry is not necessarily remembered fondly. Abbott and Costello routines have generally aged better then Amos and Andy bits. Barbershop quartets good, minstrel shows bad and you will be unable to enjoy the culinary joys of a Sambos any time soon. The only time we expect to see "whites only" these days is when its attached to laundry instructions. So now that you've been warned please don't do this again. If you do we'll be forced to believe that you meant the implication intentionally, and that you are a bunch of knuckle dragging troglodytes intent on dragging us back to painful past that most of us hope we have moved above and beyond. Now will you please get back to doing what you do best, offending Muslims.
Thanks You,
The Management