First post is photopost! :3

Feb 09, 2008 18:12

I take pictures tooo, in case some of you didn't know! I'll probably be scanning art sometime this weekend so expect art hopefully in the next post. <3

This guy was the youngest Oompa Loompa in the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie :0
He wiggled his eyebrows at me x33


Eugh this kid was so dirty and gross and kept staring at me weirdly. ...but that was probably because I was taking pictures of him.

Flags at the pig races... after my friends and I saw the first pig race we said, "What were we thinking!?" and ran out of there.

Tightrope walker

So I kept coming back to this guy's booth every couple of hours to watch him again .___. I was such a huge stalker and kicked all the kids out of the way so I could sit directly in front of him. I bought one of his originals yaye~!

One more of him because he's awesome!

Eww, sorry all the dark ones are so grainy, I haven't fixed the noise setting on the exposure levels yet :c

I don't even have to open my eyes in the morning to know it's an overcast day; I can just feel it. I get extremely lethargic and sleepy when it's cloudy out, no matter how much sleep I got. Is anyone else directly affected by the weather, too? I also tend to get kind of depressed when there's no rain for months at a time, and too many sunny days :< AND I live in Florida. THE SUNSHINE STATE. orz
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