Oh hey.

Sep 13, 2006 18:01

So its been about 2 months since ive taken the time to update this thing. There has been quite a bit that ive wanted to write about, but im either too tired or lazy. So heres the highlights of the last couple months......

VEGAS: At first i really didnt think Vegas was going to be that great but i was very wrong. At first i thought i wasnt going to gamble, but 2 nights in a row i ended up playing craps until 5 in the morning. It was also really great seeing my brother and all his old high school buddys. I highly recommend it as weekend getaway!

GORILLA BISCUITS: The show turned out just as i thought it would, a bunch of old friends re-cindling that feeling of being 16 and not giving a fuck. I was hoping they would have "gone off" a little more like the old days, but the look on their faces and that "just like a kid again" feeling they gave off made up for it. They really should have covered Side By Side though........just sayin!

TATTOO: Still waiting.

BIKE=GONE: Im sure you have all heard the story by now, but if not......well i fell victim to the voodoo-magic that is crack cocaine. Let me paint you a picture. Its 3am in downtown Oakland, and im leaving the gym after 2 hours of lifting weights and listening to Hatebreed. As i turn the corner to go unlock my bike i notice this guy sitting next to my bike sawing off the lock. I confront the guy and pose the question "what the fuck are you doing to my bike", he looks up at me and then looks away as if he couldnt believe this was happeneing. After asking him again he finally gets up and defends himself with the excuse "naw man this...this...is my cousins bike". Yeah dude, its 3am, and your cousin really left his bike here and somehow lost the keys so your helping him out by cutting off his lock. So after a conversation about whos bike it really was went no where he decides hes gonna defend himself with his bloodied aids infested sawblade. I went to go call the cops, and then he vanished......with my bike. I guess its pretty awesome that i didnt get aids though.

Other than that, there isnt too much to write about. I still hate work, incase you forgot. Also my B-day is coming up in less than a month and everyone wants me to have a huge party. Its gonna be pretty amazing.
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