I can't stand losing...

Feb 12, 2006 02:05

So a few posts ago i ranted about several things going on in my life that were really bumming me out. As many people have noticed lately i have not been a good mood at all, and havent really been myself which dissapoints me the most. And as i predicted, everything thats been bringing me down has a solution in the near future.

I havent been talking about it with very many of you but the main reason ive been ultra bummed as of late is because of the way im always just cast aside by the opposite sex. In the last 4 months ive briefly gone out with 4 different girls and EVERY single time it starts out great.....then they just stop talking to me and avoid all attempts i make to keep it going. Im not retarded, i can take a hint, so every time ive had low expectations, and if nothing came out of it.....whatever. Unfortunatley this last time i really let my emotions get the best of me. I was SO stoked to finally find a beautiful girl that actaully liked me, and even laughed at my thousands of stupid jokes. I have never liked a girl that much, or felt so comfortable around someone. Things were going incredible, and then.....nothing. Nothing until today when i recieved "the call". At least this time around the girl had the courtesy to call me and tell me it was over. So basically the last couple weeks of no contact was the main reason ive been so down. Constantly thinking what happened? Or what did I do? I dont think im the problem, but sometimes i really wonder why this keeps happening.

On a brighter note, today i had a long, great talk about it with a couple good friends who were really supportive and really helped me just vent about the entire situation. I cant even tell you how much it meant to me, it litterally pulled my feelings right out of the gutter. I feel so much better now. Today was definately a turning point for my bogus state of mind, let the positivity resume.
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