Okay! I decided to write a
yuletide letter.
Dear writer-person who got me,
I like angst, and I also like to go 'awww <3'. I'd probably lean more towards the latter in all the fandoms below except Oryx and Crake. When I say I'll take any rating, I mean it... and I'm pretty hard to squick, if you're thinking of going for the more explicit end of things. One thing that does creep me out a little is hurt/comfort that leads to sex. Go figure. :| Also I'd rather not have noncon as a main thing (as in, no graphic scenes please), although mentioning it is fine given the nature of some of my fandoms. You'll probably be able to tell from my prompts that I'm a big sucker for character exploration, friendship and a touch of banter.
On to the fandoms. All my requests are similar in certain ways:
Fandom: 18th-19th Century CE Political RPF
Okay, so! I chose Marx and Engels for this one. I'd dearly like some slash, but I would settle for a lovely story about them. I don't want crack, but you can have funny bits if you'd like. I'm a commie, but I have a sense of humour about all this... I promise! Don't feel like you need to be obsessively accurate about your history either, I won't mind.
Fandom: Ashes to Ashes
Shaz Granger is Alex's "favourite imaginary construct" and she is also my favourite. ^^ I would like femslash (with Alex), or if that's not possible I would just like some sort of Shaz-centric fic where I get to find out something about her.
Fandom: Miami Vice
I love both Trudy and Gina, but they were always background characters in the show (especially Trudy). Because I'm a sucker for pairing cops with their partners, I'd like some femslash but if you're not comfortable with that I'd be happy with a friendship fic. I'd just like to get an insight into them for once. :)
Fandom: Oryx and Crake
Firstly, I've read The Year of the Flood so feel free to reference the events in that book too. Crake is an interesting character, and I'd like to get to know him better. Unsurprisingly, I'd like some slash themes (with Jimmy), but I'm fine with just a gen fic.
Thankyou and a merry end of year holidays to you!