I thought I'd post a bunch of icons, just because its Thanksgiving Eve, haha... and yeah, so here they be!
1-5 Kristen Bell
6-15 Skins
16-20 Gossip Girl + Cast
21-26 Kylie Minogue for
kylie_ic Preview
Kristen Bell
Skins Series 3 - mostly naomi & effy, sorry about that!
Gossip Girl + Cast
Kylie Minogue for
kylic_ic#1 won Mod's Choice, #2 won 3rd Place.
This was a set, the set won 1st Place, and #1 Won 1st Place.
Please, please, please don't hotlink! Credit is really nice, but not important!
Resources/Awards -- Getting ready to update, so if something isn't credited properly, it will soon be.
P.S. Everyone should join