Well, been a while again for me. Just not a whole lot to write about really. Things at the apartment are going well, it's been a little over a month now and so far so good. It's just keeping up with the little things like laundry and dishes and vacuuming. John is in the living room at the moment playing some Madden game while we're waiting for the hockey game to come on. I'm trying to find another job too, the one at the golf course will be ending soon, but if the weather holds up like it will be this weekend, maybe I've still got a bit longer.
I once again need a back pain suggestion. Nothing seems to be working anymore, and when I'm at work, the amount of bending and lifting I do is driving my usual pain way up the scale. So if anyone's got any remedies, I'd love to hear them.
I'm starting school at ITT Tech in December for Criminal Justice. This means more student loans, but the payments are deferred until after I graduate. In theory I'll have a decent job at that point, so hopefully it won't be too bad. Hope everyone is doing well. Peace.
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