Mememememememe time Ò-ó

May 16, 2009 12:44

Stolen from dergreif

1) Who are you?
2) Are we friends?
3) When and how did we meet?
4) Would you kiss me?
5) Give me a nickname and explain why.
6) Describe me in one word.
7) What was your first impression of me?
8) Do you still think the same?
9) What reminds you of me?
10) If you could give me anything, what would it be?
11) How well do you know me?
12) Are you gonna put this in your journal and see what I say about you?
13) Would you meet up with me?

-  Have you ever done drugs? If so, how many different? - yes. 3 illegal
   -  How do you drive your car? - mostly normal, sometimes insane
   -  Where do you life (most of the time)? - at my home
   -  What was your worst crime? Got arrested for it? - Stole money/Not arrested
   -  Your strangest sickness? - Fistula... X_x
   -  Religion, spirituality or nothing? - Fuck Religion, rest depends
   -  A secret about you you finally want to reveil? - o.o
   -  How many power outlets do you use every day (at the same time)? - 14
   -  A strong faible you have? - Not really
   -  Guess how old you get and why! - I hope not too long
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