I feel rather tired and anxious right now. Mike unintentionally volunteered me to host a dinner for his aunt Jan, who is visiting for a relative's wedding celebration (we went last night. I can't stop taking mental notes.) Today is my last day of summer, so I've had it in my head that I would enjoy the day getting our place sparkly clean, but now I have dinner paired with it. I don't know what it is about a big list of things to do that makes me so unproductive.
I have spent so much money getting ready for classes, it's unreal. I haven't even purchased my books yet. Hell, I haven't registered for classes yet, either, but I suppose that will happen sometime this week. A big part of me is giddy about new school years- I love all of the things to help you stay organized, and between my sweet Ethnotek backpack, lunch bag, and all my little zippy pouches, I think I'm set. But this is a totally new to me kind of school, and I'm nervous. To think that next week, I'll be writing lesson plans and somehow meeting with parents and an unknown kid to discuss the course of action for the next 12 weeks seems so surreal to me. Mike has been amazing. Earlier today, my heart was racing in my throat and he hugged me and told me that all I have to do is win the day and that's it- to stop focusing on the larger issues and just do what it takes to get through the day. I needed and will continue to need that kind of support. I feel so damn lucky that I get it, too.
So that is it. Tomorrow begins my week long clinical methods course. And come next Monday, I will be taking clinical decision making, phonological disorders, language disorders in young children and my practicum.
I just made some gluten free bread crumbs for tonight's dinner, which is lavender crusted chicken with blueberry chutney, artichokes with a cream cheese tarragon dipping sauce, a green bean salad with mint vinaigrette, feta, red onion and toasted pecans and then a gluten free mint apple ginger crumble with coconut bliss ice cream on the top.
I need to clean the bathroom and tidy up the living room/dining room. I'm not going to get to everything today, but that is quite alright... I'm sure I can work on it slowly during this week. Gotta keep folding the laundry and then I need to ride my bike, to let some of the steam out of my system. Deep breaths.
Some things and people that mean the world to me these days:
My jam room these days. Before the sun rises, six days a week.
The last of our mimosa blossoms.
My breakfast every morning.
Lovely fig.
Everything has grown so much.
Back screen door.
Wedding gift for my dear friend Jessica.
The next images are from my parents' company picnic. I've known some of these people my entire life, and spent the last two years volunteering at a business called Community Access. It was the single most humbling and rewarding experience I've ever had, and I feel indebted to these people for keeping me in check and teaching me about myself. Please, if you have negative comments, keep them to yourself.
This woman escaped from the state institution (Fairview!) before they shut down. She is incredible.
This man is one of the sweetest alive. When a stack of boxes started rocking behind my dad, he ran toward him to shield him from their fall. He also prevented a bee from stinging my foot moments after this picture!
B. is an artist and sells her paintings at local coffee shops. She is an angel, and I'm not exaggerating. When she first met Mike, she asked me if she could be our flower girl at our wedding and you so know that's happening whenever we get married. I can't wait, she will be beautiful!
I worked with this guy when I was in high school on a landscaping crew. He really only communicates by blinking his eyes certain ways, along with raising his eyebrows. He's hilarious- one time, I walked over to him as he was sitting cross-legged on the ground, wearing a giant yellow bonnet with his hand on a weed and I realized that he does this daily and just falls asleep! It just LOOKS like he's being productive.
The staff at this business call these two the godfather/mother of all of their associates. Everyone does everything they tell them to do!
Oh. My heart strings.