because my life really isnt so bad. the women at work have been in their dementor mood again,walking around saying they hate their job, i am my usual daft self saying its not so bad, they look at me like i am insane. but it really isnt that bad, this time last year i was at debenhams and miserable with the bitch manager from hell, i am much happier now.
my mum met our old next door neighbour from when i was little, her daughter ros is the same age as me but she is a heroin addict with three kids whom her mum is bringing up. ros's last little boy was taken away from her when he was four as he was found eating washing powder and she was too drugged up to notice. that nearly made me cry. there really arent the words to express this sort of neglect.
kim who i work with and is the same age as me and has four kids has just had her housing benefit stopped, so is really struggling for money. all this has made me realise that i live like a seventeen year old while other people are worrying about how to feed their kids i am buying dvds and books on amazon . being single and not having kids seems to mean i am not particularly "grown up" and you know what i dont care, i am far happier than the married women with kids that i work with. .