Title: Final Moment
Character: Bob Fraser
Rating: G
Word Count: 204
Notes: It’s not gruesome, but it deals with Bob Fraser’s death. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this for the last thoughts prompt…
“You’re going to kill a Mountie? They’ll hunt you to the ends of the Earth.”
As soon as the words left his lips he knew they were wasted. He had gathered all the evidence he needed and this man, whoever he was, had been sent to make sure it would never see the light of day.
He knew who was behind this. A man he had called his friend for many years. A man he knew well, yet didn’t know at all.
He felt the bullet before he heard the crack of the rifle. It was a clean shot and he knew it instantly. The pain, like the ice he stood upon, was coldness, slowing him down, draining his body of the warmth of life.
As he fell to his knees, he had a fleeting thought of Benton. Thank God the boy was over three thousand kilometers away. Safe and unaware of the corruption that would otherwise taint his faith in the RCMP.
Then Robert Fraser, Mountie first and man second, toppled forward. The snow rushed up to meet his failing eyes, to touch his face with surprising warmth. He fell through it, feeling it brush over his skin like a lover’s caress.