storybroken; this is James's basic AU circumstances, according to the dressingroom. Some details may have been retconned due to new canon, but the basic premise and events remain the same.
In the Enchanted Forest
James's canon background remains intact, with fanon additions.
• Sometime after becoming prince and meeting Snow, James goes on a fact-finding mission to the kingdom in Sherwood, investigating whether they would make good allies. There, he meets Robin Hood and his merry men, including Little John and Will Scarlet.
• Robin and Will go to James's kingdom to help in recovering some stolen items to avoid a diplomatic incident. They note that he seems strangely out of place in his environment, whereupon he confesses his circumstances.
In Storybrooke
• James awoke from his coma with all his memories intact, but was unable to communicate and recovered slowly. Discovered by Gold, he was then transferred into Gold's care.
• While being kept at Gold's estate during his recovery James discovered that Robin Hood was here a thief called Chris Coghlan and in Gold's debt. He also discovered Gold had been passing him, James, off as Gold's son.
• While trying to keep Gold from recovering his magical dagger from the Enchanted Forest, James made Chris believe he was crazy.
• As well as making everyone else start to think he, James, was crazy, including memoryless Regina, Archie Hopper and possibly Malcolm Scathelocke, Will Scarlet's alternate.
• Currently still under Gold's authority, still trying to get people to remember the truth, but more subtly than before.