Dec 12, 2006 10:32
I haven't posted in a long time for various reasons, mostly i just don't think about it and I dont want to use LJ just to complain about shit. But i felt i should post one about this. Last Wednsday, my grandfather B.J. Goodson passed away. I not going to bother with details here. Anyway, he was a wonderful man, a strong man. Even up to the end he always did things for himself and refused to let anything debilitate him to the point where he could not function. When it got to that point, rather than live like that, he left this world. He was always there when we needed him, as my dad says without us even needing to ask. He taught me everything i know about cars and taught me a little of his trade as a locksmith. In his life he was a DJ, a locksmith, an investigator, an EMT, and a Fireman for many years. He was the youngest person to make Lieutenant at the time he attained the title. He loved that job and always wished he was on the truck. He did EMT and Fireman at the same time for many years and was one of the first Cardiac specialist EMTs in Albany. As I said he was a great great man. Things are definately going to be a little less colorful without my grandaddy. I can't call him anymore if my car breaks down and i can't figure out whats wrong, or if i lock my keys in the car and dont have my spare. I can't go fishing with him anymore or build random things in the back yard when we're bored. I love my grandaddy.
I couldn't speak at the memorial service, my tears fell too hard. I borrowed a few facts from my fathers wonderful speech that I didn't know that makes me miss my grandaddy even more. So I hope this in some small way, works as my memorial to my graddaddy.
Well, i can't write anymore right now, later.