Mar 27, 2005 14:24
*First best friend: Ashley Wright, friends since kindergarten
*First real memory of something: I remember my mom leaving the house to go to work in her nurse uniform and me crying. Then running outside where my dad was washing his HUGE jeep
*First date: Probably meeting a girl at the bowling alley in middle school, then waiting for our parents to pick us up.
*First real kiss: Mary Lee
*First break-up: Mary Lee
*First job: Mixing paint for Pine City Painting my dads business
*First screen name: JDY2000
*First funeral: MY cousins dad.
*First pet: Cubie. He was my dog for 2 weeks and then got ran over by a car. Devastating for a 6 year old
*First piercing/tattoo: lame story.
*First house/flat/apartment: H5 and the Bonny Apartments
*First credit card: Wachovia Visa
*First enemy: My neighbor Brad Ferguson.
*First big trip: Driving to Toronto with my dad in 7th grade.
*First play/musical/performance: I was the inn keeper for a christmas play at church. "Theres no room in the inn"
*First musician you remember: Bruce Springsteen Rockin In The USA
*Last car ride: Church this morning for easter.
*Last kiss: was a mistake
*Last good cry: dont remember
*Last cuss word uttered: Holy Fing Sh Batman
*Last beverage drank: Water.
*Last food consumed: Chicken Parmesean at Carrabas.
*Last phone call: my mom.
*Last tv show watched: Probably ashley simpson or Flava Flav
*Last time showered: This morning
*Last shoes worn: my sweet 3 dollar pimp italian shoes.
*Last cd played: kings of convenience.
*Last item bought: my sweet vans slides
*Last annoyance: mosquitos
*Last disappointment: not sure..
*Last soda drank: neevverrr
*Last ice cream eaten: I don't know
*Last time scolded: probably when me and blair stole the golf cart at church and got caught
*Last shirt worn: green t shirt.