University - Week 8

May 04, 2010 19:09

This week we looked at analysing existing systems - such as those that exist on travel booking websites, such as Jetstar and AirAsia. I was a little late to class, but lucky POD was still kind of explaining the things we were specifically looking out for.

Hmm, a week later  and I don't really remember what the sites had exactly, but all the three links had a decent structure. navigation and search system. I personally found that the JetStar and AirAsia websites had very god search systems and a consistant layout, but FlyMango was less than impressive =\

After that, we accessed the netcraft website to search a few sites and look at the types of web server they were using. It was interesting to see what some sites had, especially the few websites that i regularly visit. (which usually includes facebook and ebay...) but i noticed most websites either used a microsoft server or a linux system.

Hm, i think this is the most i've posted about actual work xD and to be honest, i'm too tired and busy to try to write's getting to that time in Uni where I realise how difficult finishing all these assignments will be. Was content with my feedback for assignment 1a, so hopefully my plans for 1b will follow through well :D
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