Mar 09, 2010 23:53
Bah! I've finally gotten around to making another blog post!
Technically the only reason i'm doing this is because we get marks for blogging in a unit at Uni. It's only three marks to the total 100 we get at the end of semester, but three marks can mean a lot for someone like me!! (Depending on the unit, it will usually mean whether i pass or fail, or in some rare cases, miiiight just get me over to a HD xD)
Now technically the subject is "Systems Analysis and Design", which kind of sounded complicated before i started the unit. Luckily Kevin and Greg, fellow MCAC members, told me that POD was awesome. Oh, POD is our tutor/lecturer for this semester. His name is technically Peter O'Donnell, but POD is short and cooler i guess xD He seems quite fun and easy going. random at times, but random is good. I like random ;)
Mm, as always, i've left this blogging till last minute xD I have my lab tomorrow morning at 10, and i just got back from an epic day of playing "Bang!" and running all over the place, to get to Uni for a lecture as well as going to pick up my copy of FFXIII~ (so beautiful <3)
Anyways, we have group presentations tomorrow. Personally, group work is always a little awkward for me, but i don't mind. I....can't say i've prepared anything, but i'm a decent procrastinator so i should be able to work it all out before we present xD We've only got to make a short talk about how the water system works. i personalyl wanted to do the food chain system, but i don't really care or mind. My group seemed excited about doing it, so why not xD?
Got none of the friends i know from last year in that tute either, but i'm sure meeting new people shall be good. Gives me some more confidence, y'know xD? ah wells....
but right now i'm seriously tired >< since uni's started my average sleep pattern is 6 hours of sleep.....i should break that habit but we'll see...
university systems unit