Mother of the year...

Nov 30, 2008 18:46

 In the locker room at the gym today I couldn't help but overhear a conversation between a little girl and her mom. The girl was little, I'm horrible at figuring out ages, but she was no more than 10 years old, probably younger. I believe she had just gotten done swimming and she was changing into her regular clothes. Of course the next logical thing for her to do is to jump on the scale! She hopped on and sounding very concerned 66 lbs. AND 4 ozs. She sounded extremely concerned but her mom didn't hear her so she had to repeat it sounding more and more  panicked. So her mom, being the wonderful parent that she is, said, "Oh don't worry I'm sure it is just because you are wearing your jeans." What the fuck? Not "You are much too young to be worrying about your weight." or "You aren't done growing and developing yet." Or better yet, don't let your daughter get on the scale. And this girl was not even the slightest bit overweight!!

I don't remember society telling me that I was fat and ugly until like Junior High... but at least then I had a mom that taught me how to be healthy and always told me I was pretty. Poor thing doesn't stand a chance, an she's an eating disorder waiting to happen.

Utterly depresses the shit out of me.

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