The political and religious debate happening lately has gotten me thinking about those beliefs that are most basic to me. These are the beliefs that I am completely committed to, affect the way I live, and are applicable to a wide range of issues. There appear to be only three of them.
1) Life is a wonder. Relatedly, this is a good thing. It is right to seek life and to seek wonder.
2) Moderation is a viable option. Many problems don't have a simple solution, and a balance between opposites is required. Balance isn't always the right solution, but I don't believe it can ever be thrown out as an option for an unsolved problem.
3) A diversity of ideas is a good thing. Different beliefs may be appropriate for different people and different situations. Fostering many ideas can create better new ideas and allow the best ones to become predominant. This belief is essentially the same as
David Brin's Dogma of Otherness. Few people seem to disagree with points one and two, though many don't make them priorities in their life. The third, however, is a major point of contention.