Jul 10, 2007 13:07
It's pretty spiffy. First off this morning Teresa (a lady who works in the next row over) asked me how many sales I had yesterday, and I told her I only had one. She said she was surprised that I didn't have more because I was so awesome on the phone. That made me all giddy. Then today on lunch break Trish (another lady in the same row as me) came over, and I was sitting with Jen (my friend, 2 rows over) and Aimee (another friend who is in the same row) at the picnic table and someone pointed out how polite I was on the phone. And then Jen said yesterday when she sat with me (once a week people can choose someone else to sit with for 30 minutes to 'learn something new') that I had motivated her because of how nice I was on the phone and my manner and poise blah blah blah.. Anyway, she said she went back to her phone and was so excited. And both Trish and Aimee said they hear me during the day and both think I sound so great on the phone and everyone just kept telling me how great I was doing.
I know I'm like.. Tooting my own horn or something.. But seriously, it just made me feel great that other people were noticing things like that about me.
It's just great to have a job where people actually think you're doing well! And tell you! Weeeee!
First I start the day out with 2 immediate sales, then I'm told I'm doing a great job. What a great day!