Fanfiction and Graphics Contest

Nov 17, 2014 19:00

There hasn't been much activity in the D community on LiveJournal lately. I imagine we're all busy with work, school, or other muses. I've decided to host a writing contest and a graphics contest. The goal for both is simply to stir up more activity, get people to write fanfiction for D, and create graphics! If this goes well then I'll set up a fic exchange for Valentine's Day.
First, the rules for the writing contest. I will be back in America for the time of the due date so I've set the time to be due in US time.

Writing Contest Rules
1) Entries are due by December 31 EST 11:00 PM (EST 23:00)
2) All entries MUST be in English. If English isn't your native language, I encourage you to write something anyway. It can be just a drabble if that's all you're comfortable writing.
3) If you don't have a LiveJournal account, email your entry to and I will post for you. If you do have an LJ account then please post your own entry on December 31.
4) Include a header in your entry
Pairing(s)    if there is no pairing, state that
5) Length and content are not important. If you want to write an 1,000 word one-shot about Ruiza dragging Asagi ou to restaurants so Ruiza can eat his weight in fried chicken, be my guest. If you want to write a long multi-chapter and only send in the first chapter, that's also fine.
6) This is a contest for D so only the band members of D should be used, unless you're writing about Vampire Saga.

Now for the graphics part.
1) Cosplay, artwork, icons, layouts, banners, photo manipulations, anything is acceptable.
2) Post your entry to this community by December 31st, EST 23:00/11 pm.
3) Graphics should only be concerning D, unless you're designing for Vampire Saga.

The Winners
One winner will be chosen from each category and this will be done by a vote. On January 7, I will post a poll for fanfiction and a poll for graphics. The winner will be chosen by popular vote and will be contacted by me to inform them of their win and to collect their address so I can mail their prizes out.

Prizes are something I haven't decided yet, maybe a CD and one of the tour goods.

Happy writing and graphic making everyone! Hoping this will breathe some life into LJ and the community in general.

contest, mod post

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