Jan 13, 2006 22:30
So. It's been awhile since I've written. I've been preocupied with life to even remember that I had this thing. haha. I mean, I knew I had it, but I didn't really make time to write. I figure now is just as good as any time to start to write again. I abandoned this skill for awhile. (What's new, I tend to do that with almost anything.. guitar, piano, art, drums..haha) Anywhoo.
an update on life:
-well I got accepted to IUP. I'm going for Art Education (art teaching) so I also need to be accepted by the art college itself. I go up there Feburuary 2nd to present my portfolio of 12 pieces. I have a few more things to finish and a few things to tweak/fix up. Nervous about it.
-I've become obsessed with Pink Floyd. Well, I shouldn't say obsessed. But right now, I've been leaning towards Pink Floyd for a music choice. It's calming and the lyrics make you think deeply sometimes. Even the songs that don't have lyrics get me thinking. I can relate it somehow to any part of my life.
-Right now, is a confusing/frustrating time of my life. It's the period where I'm happy that I'm driving, but it feels like I'm only going 15 mph where everyone else around me is going 60. The harder I press that gas pedal, the slower I go. I had a dream like that, so maybe it means that I'm trying to go too quickly and I'm not taking the time to enjoy this all.
-It's also an exciting time for me. I have a lot going for me, but at the same time I'm scared to no end. But I don't really have time to think about everything that's changing. When I do have the time, I freak out. So, I guess it's a really good thing that I'm preoccupied.
-I love chai tea. It's amazing. It sorta tastes like pumpkin pie spice, but it doesn't. It's really good though. I just bought two boxes of it. haha. I have a feeling Chai tea will now be my substitute for pop and coffee. Maybe it's a healthier way to go. All I know is that it's really good.
-I have found that lately, it's been easier for me not to care. Not like not caring for life, just caring too much about what people think my life should be headed, or how I should live my life. I'm just taking it one day at a time really. I still have those days where I just can't take all the criticism and I snap, but I have far fewer days like those than I used to. It's nice to be able to relax to a point.
-I really enjoy psychology and sociology. They're sort of related in a way. Psychology is more focused on individual emotions, thought processes, how learning occurs, and behavior where as sociology is focused more on the individuals that form the whole society and how all the individual emotions/thought processes/behaviors all effect those around that person. It's interesting to see how it all works....
-I'm dating a really awesome guy named Mike. (everyone wave to Mike. haha) All you need to know is that he's cool and has a way to always be able to make me laugh or smile. Somehow, I never feel stupid around him. haha. Like you know how you can do something around the person you're dating and feel embarassed about it? Well, I know whatever I do, Mike and I will both laugh if its embarrassing. Like this one time when I was driving to Giant Eagle near the mall, I kept hitting my windshield wiper lever and the wipers kept going off. Because it wasn't raining and there wasn't any wetness on the window, it made this really loud errrrrt on the window as it slid across it. I kept doing it accidently, all we could do is laugh. Sort of embarassing. haha. But more humorous. Because I'm cool like that. At least I can break the ice I suppose. Never a dull moment with me. haha....
-Oh, to go along with music, I've also been listening to a lot of Indie songs. Some are soft and have no lyrics and are just amazing arrangments of sound. Yes. Bohemian I am. haha.
-And since Jake wanted me to write about this, I will. haha. Work. What can I say. I still work at the same place as I have been. But now I'm dual trained....Cooking and Waitressing. This should help me when I finally do go to IUP in the fall. Easier to find a job I suppose. It's becoming just second nature to wake up, go to school, go to work. It seems as if I'm constantly there but I have no money. haha. Well I have money, but I wish I had like 500 in savings. right now I just started saving and i have like 140 in there. working towards 1,000. why? not sure. but I figure it'd be beneficial to have some money saved up. There's sorta a lot of drama at work lately either among co-workers or its co-workers vs management. I don't really pay attention anymore. I'm there to work and make money then go home and repeat the process. I wouldn't necissarily call it boring, but its become a way of life. haha.
-RANDOM: My car is the shit. haha. I love my car. It's a pimpin 16 year old Escort in a pretty shade of green that screams with my personality through stickers. Others may say its a piece of crap, but I love that thing to death. LONG LIVE NICOLE'S ESCORT!
-Physics sucks. That's all I need to say about that.
-I got two new pairs of converses. :D This makes me happy. haha.
-Oh yeah. I graduate in *countdown* 142 more days. That's including weekends and holidays.
-I haven't been to any good shows lately, but...I had chinese food for lunch today! (we had a half day of school.)
-So. I think I have come to the end of useless things to talk about....
Thoughts going through the mind:
-What will college be like?
-Will I enjoy college?
-I hope I get accepted to the Art college. I don't know what I'll do if I don't. I may just be an english teacher, but I'd rather be an art teacher....
-Will I suceed?
-Chai tea makes me warm and fuzzy on the inside.
-I think I'm becoming extremely bohemian and hippyish. haha.
-Why is it I always think of things to write before I start writing this thing, and then when I start writing it seems as if I've lost the ability to express feeling in word form. haha.
-Did you know that the price of stamps increased? It's now 39 cents. haha.
-I want a pretty teapot to put my chai tea in. haha. Not one of those gay ass frilly teapots, but a really freaking cool teapot. That way when I teach, I can be the art teacher with a kickass teapot. haha. That's right. KICKASS TEAPOT!